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Final Fantasy: Crisis core -Materia Fusion-

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Určitě se vám při hraní téhle hry stalo, že jste použili Materia fusion a vznikla vám úplně zbytečná materie.....tenhle topic by tomu měl předcházet...


Fire | == Blizzard + Thunder

| == Dark Fire + Cure


Blizzard | == Fire + Thunder

| == Dark Blizzard + Cure


Thunder | == Fire + Blizzard

| == Dark Thunder + Cure


Fira | == Blizzara + Thunder

| == Fire (M) + Libra (M)


Blizzara | == Thundara + Fire

| == Blizzard (M) + Libra (M)


Thundara | == Fira + Blizzard

| == Thunder (M) + Libra (M)


Firaga | == Blizzaga + Thunder

| == Thundara (M) + Blizzara (M)


Blizzaga | == Thundaga + Fire

| == Blizzara (M) + Libra (M)


Thundaga | == Firaga + Blizzard

| == Fira (M) + Blizzard (M)


Cure | == Cure + Cure

| == Cure + Esuna


Cura | == Cure (M) + Cure

| == Cure + Silence


Curaga | == Regen (M) + Libra

| == Cure + Death


Regen | == Cura (M) + Cure

| == Cure + Dash


Esuna | == Dispel (M) + Libra

| == Poison + VIT Up


Dispel | == Esuna (M) + Libra

| == Silence + SPR Up


Barrier | == Fire + HP Up

| == Dispel + Jump


MBarrier | == Barrier (M) + Libra

| == Blizzara + SPR Up

| == Gravity + HP Up (M)


Wall | == Elemental Ward (M) + Libra

| == Barrier + any DMW

| == Quake + any HP Up


Drain | == Osmose (M) + Libra

| == Drain Blade + MAG Up


Drainra | == Osmose (M) + Libra (M)

| == Firaga, Blizzaga, or Thundaga + Drain

| == Graviga (M) + Drain


Drainga | == Drain + any DMW

| == Sky Drain + MAG Up

| == Osmoga + any Master Materia that is grade 6 or lower


Osmose | == Drain (M) + Libra

| == Osmose Blade + MAG Up


Osmoga | == Drainra (M) + Libra

| == Power Osmose + SPR Up


Poison | == Poison + Poison

| == Power Blade + MAG Up


Silence | == Poison (M) + Libra

| == Poison + Dash


Stop | == Poison (M) + Dash

| == Stop Blade + MAG Up


Death | == Stop (M) + Libra

| == Poison + any DMW


Dark Fire | == Fire + Poison

| == Fire + Esuna


Dark Blizzard | == Blizzard + Poison

| == Blizzard + Esuna


Dark Thunder | == Thunder + Poison

| == Thunder + Esuna


Dark Fira | == Fira + Esuna

| == Dark Blizzara + Thunder


Dark Blizzard | == Blizzara + Silence

| == Dark Thundara + Fire


Dark Thundara | == Thundara + Dispel

| == Dark Fira + Blizzard


Dark Firaga | == Firaga + Esuna

| == Dark Blizzaga + Thunder


Dark Blizzaga | == Blizzaga + Esuna

| == Dark Thundaga + Fira


Dark Thundaga | == Thundaga + Esuna

| == Dark Firaga + Blizzard


Hell Firaga | == Firaga (M) + Poison (M)

| == Dark Fire + any DMW


Hell Blizzaga | == Blizzaga (M) + Esuna (M)

| == Dark Blizzard + any DMW


Hell Thundaga | == Thundaga (M) + Dispel (M)

| == Dark Thunder + any DMW


Gravity | == Gravity + Libra

| == Gravity + Cure


Graviga | == Gravity (M) + Libra

| == Gravity + Dash


Quake | == Darkness (M) + Libra

| == Gravity + any DMW

| == Electrocute (M) + Darkness


Tri-Thundaga | == Tri-Thundaga + Libra

| == Tri-Thundaga + Goblin Punch


Tri-Fire | == Tri-Thundaga (M) + Libra

| == Tri-Fire + Tri-Thundaga


Electrocute | == Tri-Fire (M) + Libra

| == Tri-Fire (M) + Tri-Thundaga

| == Tri-Thundaga (M) + Libra (M)


Flare | == Electrocute (M) + any of the following Materia:

| Libra, Dash, Tri-Fire, Tri-Thundaga, Goblin

| Punch, Iron Fist, or Magical Punch

| == Tri-Fire (M) + Libra (M)


Energy | == Flare (M) ) + any of the following Materia:

| Libra, Dash, Tri-Fire, Tri-Thundaga, Goblin

| Punch, Iron Fist, or Magical Punch

| == Electrocute (M) + Libra (M)


Ultima | == Energy (M) + Libra

| == Any DMW + any of the following:

| Tri-Fire, Tri-Thundaga, Electrocute, Flare,

| or Energy


Darkness | == Graviga (M) + Libra

| == Gravity (M) + Dash (M)

| == Gravity (M) + Graviga


Jump | == Jump + Jump

| == Power Attack + AP Up


High Jump | == Assault Twister (M) + Libra (M)

| == Firaga Blade + AP Up


Poison Aerial | == Poison Twister (M) + Libra

| == Poison Twister + Dash


Silence Aerial | == Stop Twister (M) + Libra

| == High Jump + Poison Twister


Death Jump | == Silence Aerial (M) + Libra

| == High Jump (M) + Poison Twister


Assault Twister | == Jump (M) + Libra (M)

| == Vital Slash + AP Up


Assault Twister+ | == High Jump (M) + Libra (M)

| == Jump + any DMW

| == Exploder Blade + AP Up (M)


Poison Twister | == Poison Twister + Libra

| == Poison Twister + Jump


Stop Twister | == Poison Aerial (M) + Libra

| == Assault Twister (M) + Poison Twister


Death Twister | == Death Jump (M) + Libra

| == Assault Twister 2 + Poison Twister


Power Attack | == Gravity + Jump

| == Power Attack + Jump


Vital Slash | == Power Attack (M) + Libra (M)

| == Power Attack + Gravity 2


Exploder Blade | == Quake + Jump

| == Power Attack + any DMW


Blast Wave | == Vital Slash (M) + Libra (M)

| == Graviga (M) + either of the following: Jump or Assault

| Twister


Poison Blade | == Power Attack + Poison

| == Poison + ATK Up


Silence Blade | == Assault Twister + Poison

| == Silence + ATK Up


Stop Blade | == Assault Twister (M) + Poison

| == Stop + ATK Up


Death Blade | == Power Attack + Death

| == Death + ATK Up


Dispel Blade | == Elemental Strike + Poison

| == Poison Death + any DMW


Fire Blade | == Fire + Power Attack

| == Fire + ATK Up


Blizzard Blade | == Blizzard + Power Attack

| == Blizzard + ATK Up


Thunder Blade | == Thunder + Power Attack

| == Thunder + ATK Up


Fira Blade | == Fira + Jump

| == Fire + Assault Twister


Blizzara Blade | == Blizzara + Jump

| == Blizzard + Assault Twister


Thundara Blade | == Thundara + Jump

| == Thunder + Assault Twister


Firaga Blade | == Firaga + ATK Up

| == Fire + High Jump


Blizzaga Blade | == Blizzaga + ATK Up

| == Blizzard + High Jump


Thundaga Blade | == Thundaga + ATK Up

| == Thunder + High Jump


Drain Blade | == Drain + Assault Twister

| == Osmose + ATK Up


Power Drain | == Drain Blade (M) + Libra (M)

| == Osmoga + ATK Up


Sky Drain | == Drainga + ATK Up

| == Drain Blade + any DMW


Osmose Blade | == Drain + ATK Up

| == Drain + Silence Blade


Power Osmose | == Drainra + ATK Up

| == Drain + High Jump


Mug | == Smart Consumer (M) + Libra or any Materia with a grade

| that is less than or equal to 4.

| == Steal + Electrocute


Gil Toss | == Mug (M) + Libra or any Materia with a grade that is less

| than or equal to 6.

| == Steal + any DMW

| == Steal (M) + any Punch

| == Costly Punch + any Item


Goblin Punch | == Goblin Punch + Libra

| == Goblin Punch + Goblin Punch


Iron Fist | == Goblin Punch + Dash

| == Goblin Punch (M) + Libra


Magical Punch | == Iron Fist (M) + Libra (M)

| == Magical Punch + Libra


Hammer Punch | == Magical Punch (M) + Libra

| == Hammer Punch + Libra


Costly Punch | == Hammer Punch (M) + Libra (M)

| == any Punch + any DMW


HP Up | == HP Up + Libra

| == HP Up + ATK Up


HP Up+ | == HP Up (M) + Libra (M)

| == HP Up + Dash


HP Up++ | == HP Up+ (M) + Libra (M)

| == any HP Up + any DMW


MP Up | == MP Up + Libra

| == MP Up + SPR Up


MP Up+ | == MP Up (M) + Libra (M)

| == MP Up + Dash


MP Up++ | == MP Up+ (M) + Libra (M)

| == any MP Up + any DMW


AP Up | == AP Up + Libra

| == AP Up + VIT Up


AP Up+ | == AP Up (M) + Libra (M)

| == AP Up + Dash


AP Up++ | == AP Up+ (M) + Libra (M)

| == any AP Up + DMW


ATK Up | == ATK Up + Libra

| == ATK Up + MAG Up


ATK Up+ | == ATK Up (M) + Libra (M)

| == ATK Up + Dash


ATK Up++ | == ATK Up+(M) + Libra (M)

| == any ATK Up + any DMW


VIT Up | == VIT Up + Libra

| == VIT Up + MP Up


VIT Up+ | == VIT Up (M) + Libra (M)

| == VIT Up + Dash


VIT Up++ | == VIT Up+ (M) + Libra (M)

| == any VIT Up + any DMW


MAG Up | == MAG Up + Libra

| == MAG Up + AP Up


MAG Up+ | == MAG Up (M) + Libra (M)

| == MAG Up + Dash


MAG Up++ | == MAG Up+ (M) + Libra (M)

| == any MAG Up + any DMW


SPR Up | == SPR Up + Libra

| == SPR Up + HP Up


SPR Up+ | == SPR Up (M) + Libra (M)

| == SPR Up + Dash


SPR Up++ | == SPR Up+ (M) + Libra (M)

| == any SPR Up + any DMW


Smart Consumer | == Steal (M) + Libra

| == Steal + Dash


Libra | == any Other + any Other (example: any DMW + any DMW,

| Dash + any DMW, Libra + Libra, etc.)


Status Strike | == Death Twister (M) + Libra

| == Poison Twister + any DMW


Status Ward | == Dispel (M) + Libra (M)

| == Stop + HP Up


Elemental Strike | == Assault Twister 2 + Fire

| == Fire Blade + any DMW


Elemental Ward | == MBarrier (M) + Libra

| == Firaga + VIT Up


SP Turbo Magic | == SP Turbo Magic + Libra

| == SP Turbo Magic + Tri-Thundaga


SP Turbo Attack | == SP Turbo Magic (M) + Libra

| == SP Turbo Magic + Electrocute

| == SP Turbo Magic + Magical Punch (M)


SP Turbo | == SP Turbo Attack (M) + Libra

| == SP Turbo Magic or Attack + Flare

| == SP Turbo Magic or Attack + Hammer Punch


SP Turbo Barrier | == SP Turbo (M) + Libra

| == SP Turbo Magic or Attack + Energy

| == SP Turbo Magic or Attack + Hammer Punch (M)


SP Turbo Master | == SP Barrier (M) + Libra

| == any SP Turbo + any DMW

| == any SP Turbo + Costly Punch


Zdroj: www.gamefrags.com

myslím že je to zbytečný protože tohleto se dá využít při základních lvlech materií....pokud maj už nějaký level... a tím vyšší vlastnosti, tak to dost mění na fúzi

právě že to je pro základní lvl + Master (to je to M v závorkách)....takže mi to příjde celkem užitečné....a kdyby to bylo jen pro základní lvl, tak je to myslím využitelné líp, protože základní se dají koupit...

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