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Datum vydání: 2009

Final Fantasy Agito XIII details from Famitsu

As announced at Square Enix's recent DKS3713 event, Final Fantasy Agito XIII, previously a mobile phone exclusive is now headed the PSP's way. Details have been anything but forthcoming, however, thanks to the folks at Japanese gaming mag Famitsu, we've got an idea of what to expect.

* The game was moved to the PSP because they couldn't wait for cellphones to get more advanced.

* The battle will be heavy on action but still turn based. It will use an advanced version of Crisis Core's high speed ATB (Active Time Battle) system.

* Crisis Core was 1 player, but this time there will be multiple characters in the party.

* Right now it supports Infrastructure multiplayer for up to 3 players.

* The game will support both Ad-hoc and Infrastructure.

* Summons are part of the character growth system, and can also be controlled by players after summoning.

- bitvy založené na ATB systému z FF7 CC

- budete používat více postav, ne jako v FF7CC kde byl pouze Zack

- Ad-hoc a infrastructure MP, infra pro 3 hráče

- summoni můžou být ovládáni jako postavy po vyvolání

možná hra (a k tomu i Parasite Eve3 a FF Dissidia) kvůli který nejspíš koupím zase psp :)

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