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Hm... ve skrytu duše sem doufal, že to nakonec bude jenom fake a nic nevyjde - nepovedlo se...

škoda, že to není na SDHC karty, přecejenom by se zvedla kapacita no

Nechápu ovšem ten slabej foťák a chybějísí GBA slot - to trošku nepořešili se mi zdá

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Mno jestli ty displeje zvětšej a budou hry pouze pro DSI, tak se bude rozlišení měnit taky, protože kdyby je jenom zvětšili, tak bych si asi zkazil oči, protože ty displeje sou už tak docela hrubý. Dyť to má menší rozlišení než většna dnešních mobilů a ten displej je několikanásobně větší.

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Podle oficialnich zdroju na fotoportrety... Teoreticky i ty hry by sly delat, ale to tezko rict. Kazdopadne ta exclusivita se vztahovala k displayum, ne ke kamere. Platforma bude stejna, tudiz displaye mohou byt vetsi, ale nemohou mit vyssi rozliseni.

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DSi nebude region-free.

DSi Games on Lockdown

Titles made specifically for the new portable won't be region-free.

by Daemon Hatfield

October 6, 2008 - One of the coolest aspects of Nintendo's handheld systems is that they have always been region-free; meaning games from any territory can be played on any system. That quirky Japanese puzzle game not being released in the U.S.? No problem, just import a copy and it will play on your U.S. system. But these times appear to be coming to an end, as Nintendo has revealed that games made specifically for its recently-revealed DSi portable will be region locked.

Speaking to CVG, a Nintendo spokesperson says, "DSi software (software that is only compatible with DSi) is region locked, eg: European DSi software can only be played on European DSi consoles." This apparently applies to both retail and downloadable games.

But the region lock only applies to software, not the DSi system. The new portable will still play regular DS games from any territory, but new software specifically designed for the DSi will be locked down. You will also be able to use the internet browser in any territory.

"DSi is region locked because DSi embeds net communication functionality within itself and we are intending to provide net services specifically tailored for each region," says Nintendo. "Also because we are including parental control functionality for Nintendo DSi and each region has its unique age limit made by different independent."

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