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1.) Soul Calibur 4 (165) GS

2.) Mirrors Edge (370) GS

3.) Frontline: Full of War (50) GS

4.) Need For Speed Undercover (530) GS

5.) Race Drive Grid (435) GS

6.) Mortal Combat (260) GS

7.) Star Wars The Force Unleashed (325) GS

8.) The Godfather 2 (756) GS

9.) Riddick Assault on Dark Athena (215) GS

10.) Battlefield: Bad Company (280) GS

11.) Call of Duty 6 (245) GS

12.) Wanted (180) GS

13.) The Mutant Ninja Turtles (935) GS

14.) Gears of War 2 (235) GS

15.) Terminator Salvation (720) GS

16.) Medal of Honor Airborne (220) GS

17.) Fable 2 (490) GS

18.) Don King (450) GS

19.) Dantes Inferno (570) GS

20.) Army of Two (225) GS

21.) Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (360) GS

22.) Dead Space (530) GS

23.) Splinter Cell Conviction (300) GS

24.) Avatar (310) GS

25.) Mafia 2 (650) GS

26.) Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2 (410) GS

27.) Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days (410) GS

28.) Prototype (190) GS

29.) FIFA 2010 (110) GS

30.) Call of Duty: Black Ops (320) GS

31.) Fight Night Champion (85) GS

32.) Crysis 2 (360) GS

33.) Homefront (140) GS

34.) Bulletstorm (260) GS

35.) Call of Duty: Mordern Warfare (195) GS

36.) Ace Combat Assault Horizont (590) GS

37.) 007 Blood Stone (230) GS

38.) Inversion (280) GS

39.) Max Payne 3 (160) GS

40.) Ghost Recon FS (335) GS

41.) Devil May Cry 1 (100) GS

  • Odpovědi 83
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Nejvíc přispívající

Nejvíce příspěvků v jednom dni

Nejvíc přispívající


1.) GTA 4 - 210

2.) Naruto The Broken Bond - 520

3.) Naruto Rise Of Ninja - 450

4.) 50 Cent Blood On The Sand - 325

5.) COD 3 - 250

6.) COD 4 - 310

7.) COD 5 - 150

8.) Mirror´s Edge - 405

9.) GOW 2 - 230

10.) The Bourne Conspiracy - 360

11.) NFS Undercover - 550

12.) James Bond Quantum Of Solace - 220

13.) Brother In Arms Hell´s Highway - 660

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

1) Wanted (430G)

2) Terminator: Salvation (820G)

3) BF: Bad Company (360G)

4) Night at the Museum 2 (1000G)

5) Lost: Via Domus (905G)

6) Call of Duty 4 (380G)

7) Velvet Assassin (690G)

8.)Beautiful Katamari (280G)

9) Call of Duty: WaW (315G)

10) Left 4 Dead (520G)

11) Gears of War 2 (300G)

12) Halo 3 (420G)

13) Ghost Recon: AW2 (280G)

14) XMen Origins Wolverine (640G)

15) Ghost Recon: AW (315G)

16) Blacksite: Area 51 (215G)

17) MOH: Airborne (400G)

18.) 50 Cent: BotS (320G)

19) Big Game Hunter (730G)

20) Quantum of Solace (350G)

21) Mortal Kombat vs. DCU (260G)

22) Brothers in Arms: HH (650G)

23) The Bourne Conspiracy (380G)

24) Gears of War (170G)

25) The Maw (100G)

26) Army of Two (590G)

27) Dash of Destruction (200G)

28.) Far Cry 2 (420G)

29) Call of Duty 3 (275G)

30) Mirror's Edge (300G)

31) Frontlines: Fuel of War (180G)

32) Viva Pinata: Party Animals (550G)

GamerScore -> http://profile.mygamercard.net/b0x3r306

Celkem vpoho na to že mám xko od půlky Prosince :D Ne?! :D


1) Halo Wars (720G)

2) Halo 3 (1475G)

3) Mass Effect (600G)

4) Call of Duty: WaW (925G)

5) GTA IV (625G)

6) Mirror's Edge (815G)

7) Battlefield: Bad Company (770G)

8 ) EA Skate 2 (845G)

9) Kung Fu Panda (840G)

10) Fallout 3 (1450G)

11) Rainbow Six Vegas 2 (250G)

12) F.E.A.R. 2 (410G)

13) H.A.W.X. (550G)

14) Burnout Paradise (710G)

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

1.) GTA IV(450)

2.) Gears of War 2(360)

3.) Call of Duty: WaW(835)

4.) Call of Duty 4(980)

5.) Guitar Hero World Tour(120)

6.) [PROTOTYPE]™(280)

7.) GRAW 2(65)

8.) XMen Origins Wolverine(845)

9.) Left 4 Dead(320)

10.) The Force Unleashed(535)

11.) Fable II(750)

12.) Mirror's Edge™(690)

13.) BF: Bad Company(215)

14.) Halo Wars(345)

15.) Brothers in Arms: HH(645)

16.) Army of Two™(460)

17.) Prince of Persia(640)

18.) Halo 3(675)

19.) King Kong(1000)

20.) Rainbow Six® Vegas(235)

21.) DEAD RISING(340)

22.) BioShock(765)

23.) Gears of War(400)

24.) Gears of War (Windows)(380)

25.) Assassin's Creed(785)

26.) Far Cry® 2(420)

27.) F.E.A.R. 2(330)

28.) Tom Clancy's EndWar™(175)

29.) LEGO Star Wars: TCS(530)

30.) LOTR: Conquest(465)

31.) Dash of Destruction(190)

32.) Mortal Kombat vs. DCU(320)

33.) GTA IV Lost and Damned(200)


  • 1 month later...

01) Far Cry 2 (490 GS)

02) Fable II (800 GS)

03) BioShock (700 GS)

04) Gears of War (80 GS)

05) Viva Piñata (400 GS)

06) Gears of War 2 (380 GS)

07) Burnout Paradise (320 GS)

08) The Orange Box (357 GS)

09) Mirror's Edge (450 GS)

10) BF: Bad Company (895 GS)

11) GTA IV (470 GS)

12) Kung Fu Panda (290 GS)

13) LEGO Indiana Jones (1000 GS)

14) Halo Wars (250 GS)

15) Halo 3 (420 GS)

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

1)TMNT (1000GS)

2)Terminátor : Salvation (720GS)

3)DiRT 2 (770GS)

4)Call of Duty : World at War (175GS)

5)Guitar Hero : Smash Hits (100GS)

6)Gears of War 2 (225GS)

7)Guitar Hero World Tour (120GS)

8)Wanted : Weapons of Fate (350GS)

9)Xmen Origins Wolverine (720GS)

10)LEGO Indiana Jones (270GS)

11)Harry Potter HBP (800GS)

12)Kung-fu Panda (330GS)

13)Call of Juarez BiB (495GS)

14)Guitar Hero Metallica (155GS)

15)Call of Duty 3 (230GS)

16)50 Cent BOtS (290GS)

17)Call of Duty 4 (350GS)

18)Fable II (465GS)

19)CSI Hard Evidence (1000GS)

20)Assassins Creed (565GS)

Viz gamertag .. po banu už to ale není videt mno .. :-(

  • 3 weeks later...

01) Gears of War 2 (2x)

02) UP (1x)

03) Gears of War (1x)

04) Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 (2x)

05) Skate 3 (1x)

06) Army Of Two 2 (1x)

07) Assassins Creed 2 (2x)

08) Call of Duty: Black Ops (1x)

09) UFC 2009 (1x)

10) Medal of Honor 2010 (3x)

11) Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (1x)

12) Mafia 2 (4x)

13) Call of Duty: World at War (2x)

14) Halo Reach (1x)

15) Assassins Creed: Brotherhood (1x)

16) Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (1x)

17) UFC Undisputed 2010 (1x)

18) UFC Undisputed 3 (1x)

19) Gears of War 3 (2x)

20) Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (2x)

Pracuje se na:

Red dead redemption

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

1) Gears of war 1

2) wanted: w.o.f.

3) call of duty 4: m.w.

4) assassins creed

5) call of duty: m.w. 2

6) 50cent: b.o.s

7) spider-man: w.o.s.

8) x-men origins: wolverine

9) bioshock

10) darkness

11) batman: a.a.

12) kung-fu panda

13) def jam icon

14) army of two

15) devil may cry 4

16) harry potter: h.-b.p.

17) fable 2

18) gears of war 2

19) prince of persia

20) surfs up

21) star wars: f.u.

22) james bond: q.o.s.


mám celkem 18740 gamerscore

dohrané hry:

star wars the force unleashed

star wars the force unleashed ultimate sith edition

brothers in arms hells highway

dead space

batman arkham asylum

mirrors edge

battlefield bad company

unreal tournament 3

splinter cell double agent


tomb raider underworld

tomb raider anniversary



resident evil 5

gears of war 2

gears of war 1


operation flashpoint dragon rising

call of duty modern warfare 2

call of duty world at war

call of duty 4 modern warfare

call of duty 3

army of two

medal of honer airborne

assassins creed

prince of persia

command and conquer red alert 3

halo wars

need for speed shift

need for speed undercover

lego star wars complete saga

lego indiana jones original adventures

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

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