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Foremost among the features included with v2.60 is the new Photo Gallery tool. With it, PS3 gamers will be afforded a streamlined process for sorting and displaying their digital photos. Planned features thus far announced include the ability to organize pictures within a variety of different parameters, to create slideshows accompanied by music, and to create photo playlists.

Firmware update v2.60 will also allow PS3 owners who have not signed up for the PlayStation Network to browse the online store. It will also add support for the DivX 3.11 video compression format. Sony did not reveal when the PS3's firmware update v2.60 would be available.



Pro ty co nevládnou EN -

FW 2.60 pro PS3 nabídne nový systém fotogalerie, která působí jako veliká interaktivní mapa (tabule). Můžete libovolně přejíždět po interaktivní mapě, kde se nachází fotky uložené na HDD. Tuto aplikaci nainstalujete po kliknutí na ikonku, která se objeví v XMB. Přibyde podpora DivX 3.11, což umožní další rozšíření spustitelného videomateriálu na PS3. Navštívit stránky na PlayStation® Store, aniž byste se museli přihlásit na PSN. Pokud ale budete chtít stahovat něco víc, musíte se již přihlásit. V kostce asi vše k této verzi systémového softwaru.


FW obsahuje pár skrytých novinek ^^

There are some more details emerging about tomorrows PS3 Firmware Update.

According to our source, on top of the already announced Photo Gallery feature, and Divx 3.11 support, here are some more of the expected feaures of FW 2.60:

* Safe Mode

* Blu-Ray Disc Theme Support

* HDD Data can be accessed and deleted in-game

* 3-D Secure Support

* Improved System Stabilty

We are not exactly sure what these features offer, especially the Blu-Ray Disc Theme Support, and the Safe Mode, but we are looking forward to finding out.

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