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Na PS3/MAC byl ohlášen 3D Movie Player. Software je free

3D Movie player coming to PS3

Next3D has confirmed that its 3D movie player technology is heading to the PS3 as well as the MAC platform. The software is free and the technology can provide 1080p high definition stereoscopic imagery.

Next3D announced Monday that its 3D Movie player technology will be released for Macs and for Sony’s PlayStation 3 video game console. The software will be free and will work in conjunction with Next3D’s content delivery service.

Next3D movies are encoded using technology that provides 1080P-resolution high-definition stereoscopic imagery, along with digital rights management, distribution and auditing mechanisms for content providers.

Next3D 3D movie player coming to Mac, PS3

Next3D’s technology is based around a proposed specification for the H.264 video standard

Next3D announced Monday that its 3D Movie player technology will be released for Macs and for Sony’s PlayStation 3 video game console. The software will be free and will work in conjunction with Next3D’s content delivery service.

Next3D movies are encoded using technology that provides 1080P-resolution high-definition stereoscopic imagery, along with digital rights management, distribution and auditing mechanisms for content providers.

The software made a splash at last month’s Game Developers Conference (GDC) in San Francisco; a public beta is expected to be made available soon for the Xbox 360 version.

Next3D’s technology is based around a proposed specification for the H.264 video standard already in use; the proposed spec adds support for compression of multi-view-based content.

When paired with a 3D-capable television (several models are already available from Mitsubishi and Samsung) along with LCD “shutter glasses” and an emitter that synchronizes the glasses to the television, it makes it possible to view content in 3D without any colour shifting, as is common with old-fashioned red/blue anaglyph glasses.

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na to, abyste mohli koukat na neco 3d v soucasne dobe potrebujete 3d televizi a k ni dodavane 3d bryle. bryle proto, ze je pouzita tzv. aktvni technologie, kdy tv ridi "sve" bryle. a to tim zpusobem, ze stridave zatmavuje leve a prave oko.

a to ve spolupraci s tv, ktera zase ve stejnych intervalech pousti obraz pro leve a prave oko.

a aktivni system je pouzit proto, protoze pri pasivnim systemu ( bryle nespolupracuji s tv) by nemohlo byt pouzito full hd rozliseni, ale pouze polovicni.

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