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PSPUpdates.qj.net (EN) - The Fast and the Furious goes gold with new features and screens


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Careening over to your handheld with the addicting (?!) smell of burnt rubber, The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift has finally gone gold. Even more good news for racing fans: Namco Bandai has announced new features for the handheld title that's spun off from the PS2 version.

  • Swap Meet - wirelessly trade your customized and tricked-out cars with your friends in a non-career mode
  • Tuner Shop - offer a multi-grade oil change as a purchasable item to temporarily increase your cars' speed and performance
  • Extras - unlockable content (pictures and media) from the movie and the real world of racing

Some of you might think that the "Tokyo Drift" movie was a let down, but hey!, that doesn't mean the game would totally suck. Y'know what they often say: "Gameplay experience may change when playing online." And a racer that has wireless support would definitely go far (plus all the addiction over car fumes).

Get your shift sticks ready; more screens in 3, 2, 1...

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