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PSPUpdates.qj.net (EN) - The Bigs - newest batch of screens


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The lone screenshot from last November was the first look we had of 2K Sports' newest major league baseball game The BIGS. This time we've got the newest batch of screens for your eyes only.

The BIGS, aka MLB: The BIGS, is a multiplatform (Xbox360, PS3, PS2, PSP, and Wii) sports title developed by Blue Castle Games. It features online capabilities for up to four players, minigames to train the players (we imagine it might be like Virtua Tennis), and power ups. As far as the visuals go, we really can't complain. We're intrigued as to what the batter and pitcher are doing in the middle of a busy city street but we've yet to see those outrageous special effects.

We'll quit with the prattle now and keep our noses peeled for more info on this. The BIGS is slated to slide on the shelves in June 25 (according to Wikipedia). Check out the screens for now.

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PSP?i=U6beR8Gt</img> PSP?i=xkMP1L6n</img> PSP?i=qoHFyEUO</img>



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