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PSPUpdates.qj.net (EN) - Update PSPokemon Alpha 2 Released


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For an Alpha release that's coded in Lua, this is pretty well done. And to think, it's PSPokemon">sony_psp_player's very first homebrew game. It's called PSPokemon, and from the name itself, you'd know it's (in the developer's own words) "a Pokemon clone."

As of now though, all you can basically do in this baby-phase Alpha release is control the Godzilla-sized Ash around the map you see in the pic above. You can also enter the houses, but they're pretty bare. Try it for yourself; no one's stopping you. The download doesn't contain a readme, so we can't quite direct you to any. Basically, the developer just wanted to get this early version out so that people could reply with their feedback.

Is it a good project to pursue? Hands down, I've always been a Pokemon fan, and any Poke-exposure on the PSP is very much welcome for me. the_darkside_986 (of "Die Critters Die" homebrew fame) seems to agree with me and said in the forums: "I'm going to get a DS to play Pearl/Diamond. But this sounds interesting so I'll try it. I hope this project really goes somewhere. Good luck with it."

So, to sony_psp_player, godspeed and may way see the full version soon!

UPDATE: sony_psp_player released Alpha 2 of his PSPokemon game already, so feel free to try it out! Enjoy!

Download: PSPokemon Alpha 2 Release

Visit: PSP Development Forums


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