při kontrole jedné hry v abgxku mi to vyplivlo tohle:
\\//\\//\\//\\// _ |_ _ \ \/ /_ _ _ \\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\
//\\//\\//\\//\\ (_||_)(_|/ /\ \_||_ | | //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//
Region Code: 0xFFFFFFFF
Region Free!
Checking SS
04FB20h ------- PSN ------> 20339Fh DFCC60h ------- PSN ------> FB04DFh
| L0 Data Area = 1783936 sectors | L1 Data Area = 1783936 sectors |
0x000FD90000 --------> 0x00E99CFFFF 0x00E99D0000 --------> 0x01C360FFFF
<----------------- 3567872 sectors (7307001856 bytes) ---------------->
Timestamp of Authoring: 2007/10/24 00:00:00
Timestamp of Mastering: 2007/11/06 02:18:02
CT RT CID Mod? Pad? Data CD Response Angle Deviation
-- -- -- -- -- ------------- -------- -------- ----- ------------
14 8B 00 00 34AD9491 9EBFA62A
03 8B 00 00 04A9B0 04B9AF 34AD9491 9EBFA62A
15 37 00 00 177CA396 EDECBDDF
01 37 00 00 20D7F0 20E7EF 177CA396 EDECBDDF
14 7D 00 00 E46962AD 2FCEB36F
03 7D 00 00 DF85F0 DF95EF E46962AD 2FCEB36F
15 E9 00 00 41510074 433059B7
01 E9 00 00 FB5B70 FB6B6F 41510074 433059B7
24 1B 0F 00 05FC7BEA 05FC0001 1
07 1B 00 00 04A9B0 04B72F 05FC7BEA 00000000 0 -1 (00.6%)
25 90 0F 00 50971CF6 5097005B 91
05 90 00 00 20D7F0 20E56F 50971CF6 5A000000 90 -1 (00.6%)
24 33 0F 00 1480BCF9 148000B5 181
07 33 00 00 DF85F0 DF936F 1480BCF9 B5000000 181 0 (00.0%)
25 AD 0F 00 83737EAD 8373010F 271
05 AD 00 00 FB5B70 FB68EF 83737EAD 0E010000 270 -1 (00.6%)
01 FE 00 00 967F5ECB 96CB8540
00 FE 00 00 3B96CB D98540 00000000 00000000
E0 31 00 00 F60CD510 46E1BDA7
E0 31 00 00 7146E1 B2BDA7 00000000 00000000
SS CRC = 56B82D71 (RawSS = B104DFBA)
SS Media ID: 568577B5902FA5D3921A0997-117FE50B (matches game)
SS looks valid
Checking DMI
Timestamp of Authoring: 2007/10/24 00:00:00 (matches SS)
DMI CRC = 675A8D4F
DMI Media ID: 568577B5902FA5D3921A0997-117FE50B (matches game)
DMI looks valid
Checking PFI
030000h ------- PSN ------> 03086Fh FCF790h ------- PSN ------> FCF9C3h
| L0 Data Area = 0002160 sectors | L1 Data Area = 0000564 sectors |
0x0000000000 --------> 0x0000437FFF 0x01D2F68000 --------> 0x01D3081FFF
<----------------- 0002724 sectors (0005578752 bytes) ---------------->
PFI matches known data (2nd wave)
Video partition found
Volume space size: 2724 sectors (5578752 bytes)
Volume creation date & time: 2006/03/06 21:09:07 (GMT-08:00)
Video is zero padded
Video CRC = 91410773 (V0 = 81DF6964, V1 = E47F6A94)
Video partition matches known data (2nd wave)
Stealth check passed!
Starting Verification
Using 56B82D71B9B25452.ini (317 bytes):
GameName=Avatar: Legend of Aang
Notes=UK Pal
Video CRC matches
V0 CRC matches
V1 CRC matches
PFI CRC matches
DMI CRC matches
SS CRC matches
Xex CRC matches
AnyDVD style corruption was not detected
Game CRC = F1D795BB
Game partition CRC does not match the verified ini! There are 4 possibilities:
1. This is a bad rip (the most likely cause). If you're checking a DVD backup
and have AnyDVD or a similar app installed, make absolutely sure the process is
killed! If this is a scene release, search for it on abgx.net and look at the
column "Bad CRC or Needs Fixing". If you see a <!> icon, hover over it with
your mouse to read the alt text. If it says something like "Bad game data CRC"
or gives the name of a fix (PPF patch), we already know about it. It's also
highly recommended to run abgx360 again with AutoFix set to level 3 if you
applied a PPF to make sure stealth files haven't been corrupted. See "What is
AnyDVD style corruption?" in the GUI Quickstart tab for more info on game data
2. Your CPU/RAM/HDD/data bus is unstable and corrupted the data during
extraction/burning or while checking the CRC. Make sure to run the sfv and try
extracting it again (assuming you have the sfv/rars) and recheck the ISO/DVD to
see if you get the same CRC.
3. Game data was intentionally modified for some reason. Microsoft does not
take kindly to modifications for any purpose, and even benign changes to game
data or settings will get you banned from Xbox Live!
4. The verified Game CRC in the database is wrong (very unlikely).
Stealth was verified but game data wasn't
Game partition CRC does not match the verified ini! There are 4 possibilities: .......
Zkoušel jsem to rozbalit víckrát a pořád to dělá. Je to dost velký problém?
Dá se s tím něco udělat nebo to můžu i tak vypálit?
při kontrole jedné hry v abgxku mi to vyplivlo tohle:
Game partition CRC does not match the verified ini! There are 4 possibilities: .......
Zkoušel jsem to rozbalit víckrát a pořád to dělá. Je to dost velký problém?
Dá se s tím něco udělat nebo to můžu i tak vypálit?
4 odpovědi na tuto otázku
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