ulba Odesláno Září 5, 2009 Nahlásit Odesláno Září 5, 2009 Ahoj našel jsem PSP Monopoly Description: "cools" has just released a beta version of his upcoming homebrew game, PSP Monopoly. And it looks quite good for a beta version. Expectedly, there's a few things missing in the beta. It will be added as time goes on. He has already implemented a lot of things. Here's what he had to say about it: "I have worked on for a couple of months now, and I thought it would be best to release a Public Beta. The 3 main things that are missing are Auctioning, Trading, and AI. Without those the game isnt really the fun-est thing to play, but it is playable. The [color=#0000ff][font=verdana][u]computer[/u][/font][/color] is only programmed to buy a deed, or pay for a deed, pay on [color=#0000ff][font=verdana][u]Income Tax[/u][/font][/color], and pay on Luxury Tax. It will go to Jail if landed on the go to Jail box. All the Thanks for Helping and Beta-testers are all in the credits. A lot of you will be thinking that it should be a better game, because I have been working on it since October of last year, but the truth is I took some really long breaks during coding, so everything that is [color=#0000ff][font=verdana][u]in the game[/u][/font][/color] was completed in ~3 months. I dont expect anything special out of this, I was just bored one day and decided to learn lua." There might be a few bugs here and there. Check out his forum thread to report any bugs or findings. Ale nevím jistě jak to nahdit do psp a jestli to nejede do flash0 tak to sem dávám jestli by to někdo odzkoušel a pak napsal. [url]http://www.edisk.cz/stahnout-soubor/48898/PSPMonopoly1.5.zip_3.09MB.html[/url] Původně je to odshud [url]http://www.consolespot.net/forums/psp-homebrew-games/7874-psp-monopoly.html[/url] Pokud už to tu je tak se omlouvám .... Citovat
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