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Zkus si to prověřit, ale na 90% jde o podvodníka - mám podobné zkušenosti, když jsem si před rokem objednával iPhone 3G z USA (naštěstí jsem na to, že jde o podvodníka přišel ještě včas).

Pokud chceš objednávat zboží z USA, tak jedině přez známé prodejce, jako například Libijaro a podobně!! S tím mám jen dobré zkušenosti!!

  • 3 weeks later...

Ahoj, vím že ste se tomu tady věnovali, ale zajímalo by mě co si myslíte o tomhle (popravdě já si myslim že je to podvodník). Zkusil sem reagovat na inzerát o iPhone za 5000Kč, ten člověk komunikoval pomocí překladače, ale když sme mu začal odepisovat anglicky, začal taky psát anglicky. Zkoušel jsem se domluvit na osobním setkání, ale na to moc neodpovídá. Spíše mi napsal v jednou emailu, že pokud nevěřím, mohu zaplatit polovinu předem a 2: polovinu až ho budu mít a v další emailu mě zase ujišťoval že nesbírají peníze lidí, že to jejich společnost nedělá apod.

Tady je celé vlákno emailů:

micheal hill:

Díky moc za mail ...

Ano, stále máme telefon v obchodě ..

Kolik jednotku, kterou chcete koupit??

Jakmile budeme recceived kolik jednotku, kterou chcete koupit pak

budeme vám více informací o telefon ..

Výzvy ke čtení od vás brzy

Hi, i mean, can i meet you somewhere to see if it is REAL iPhone?

micheal hill:

Thanks o much for the mail.....

The Apple Iphone is Brand new apple iphone 3gs 32gb and

the phone come with 1 year international Warranty...

The Phone is going to Ship from our Store in united Kingdom to your Door Step.

And the Shipping we Just 24Hours to be delivered to your door step.

NOTE:For you to believe in us we are going to allow you to make half

payment of the money before we ship out and when the phone get to you

then you see that the Phone is Original then you we send us the

Reaming half payment of the money..

So Kindly get back to us with How many unit you want to Buy ? ? ?

Once we received this Details from you we can give you a Shipping

Forms to fill so that we can packed and label your package ready for


Waiting to read from you soon



I want just one, how much is it? And why i cant just meet you somewhere to see if it is REAL Apple iPhone?


Hello Dear Customer,

Thanks so much for the mail

The Apple Iphone we are selling in our Company is Brand new apple

iphone 3gs 32gb and the phone also come with 1 year International


i want you to know that once you are buying from us you are buying

from a Legit Company so you have not to be Scared About you not

getting your Order,you will surely be getting your Order under 2days

once your Payment has been Made Via Western Union....

Have you heard about the Law of Karma: Its says what ever is goes

around, they must surely come Around.

So I want you to have Faith and believe that once you made that payment.

I will be the personally to care for your package and you will

receiver your item

without any problem.

We are a good Christian in our company, we don't collect people

money and donnot send thier item to them.we don't do that in ourcompany...

I will give you 100% sure that once you make payments, and will

confirm it your item will surely been send to you..

I want you to believe in us.....

We dispatch via FedEx,UPS international Courier Service and delivery

takes 2Days to your door step..

I want you to be rest assured that you have come to the right place

to do business and we will not disappoint you.. The apple iphone

we have for sale are all brand new and authentic.. They each come with

12 month manufacturers warranty.....



5,000 CZK

So Kindly get back to us with your Postage Details Bellow....





Zip code....

Once we received this details from you we can packed and label your

Item Ready for shipment.

Jaké jsou Vaše názory?:cheesygrin:

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