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Pomoc s návodem odměna 3500Cr.



Ahoj kdo my pomuže s tímto návodem nebo přímo mě vytvoří licenci pro můj imei dostane odměnu 3500 Credits.

QuickBoard ( QuickSMS / QuickBirthday ) Keygen. 3.x Compatible

Note: This WILL NOT appear in the repository due to the style of crack performed. Asking will not change that.

1. Download the applicable keygen:



Mac (Intel 64-bit):


2. In Terminal/At the Command Prompt, navigate to the directory you downloaded the keygen into, and run


quickboard IMEI-without-spaces


chmod 755 quickboard

./quickboard IMEI-without-spaces

You should now have a file called license.dat in the same directory.

3. Install QuickBoard from iSoft's beta repository (http://isoftru.ru/beta/), and when it asks to restart Springboard, WAIT.

4. Copy the license.dat file to /var/mobile/Library/QuickBoard on your phone, and set the permissions to 666.

5. Now click "Restart Springboard"

6. DISABLE UPDATE CHECKING. There is a backdoor available when the program checks for updates (daily). Currently, it does nothing, but they could execute any Unix command they wanted to on your iPhone.

If you like the program a lot, go ahead and give iSoft some money. After all, they did put a lot of effort (RipDev's "uncrackable" Kali) in protecting their newest release from "evil hackers" like me.

...and because I know they'll be looking here...

Message from evil hackers to QuickSMS developers!

Dear iSoft team leader!

No thanks. I like iRealQuickSMS better. And you've got a few grammar mistakes in your hidden message.

Best regards,


P.S. Say hi to RipDev for me.

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