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N.O.V.A. - Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance


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N.O.V.A. - Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance


**IGN - Best Action Game of the Year
The most revolutionary sci-fi FPS for your iPhone & iPod Touch!

Join the fight for mankind's survival against the aggressive aliens known as Judges in this immersive space opera.

With Earth no longer able to sustain life, huge artificial satellites called “near-orbitals” were constructed for people to live on. To protect themselves, the near-orbitals banded together to form N.O.V.A., the Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance. Now, a strange threat has emerged from the darkness of space. A Marine ship, reported missing just a week ago, has suddenly reappeared and is headed directly for the near-orbitals, ignoring all communications. Against his will, retired Marine hero Kal Wardin is forcefully returned to active duty to prevent mankind's annihilation.

N.O.V.A. - Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance provides the most comprehensive content available on the AppStore. Plunge into an unparalleled gaming experience!

- 13 insane levels
- 5 radically different environments, from the real to the fantasic - jungle, snow mountains, spaceship, bunker, and an alien city
- 6 weapons: Assault rifle, shotgun, sniper rifle, handgun, rocket launcher and plasma gun – plus grenades & machine gun turrets in certain levels
- An intense drama sustained by transitional cinematics and character voices

- Play locally or online via Wi-Fi or Local Bluetooth connection
- 1-4 player Deathmatch (1-2 players via Bluetooth connection)
- 5 different maps
- Play against your friends or the entire world through Gameloft LIVE!
- Worldwide leaderboards in the game & on the official website, www.near-orbit-vanguard-alliance.com

- Full 3D rendered environments enhanced by highly detailed graphics
- 3 control schemes
- Customizable interface

N.O.V.A., the Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance, wants you to support the fight!
Enlist on Twitter @NOVA_fps
Visit www.near-orbit-vanguard-alliance.com for more information.







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