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The new DVR kit will be released on its own and bundled with the PS3, and will allow the PS3 to record HDTV broadcasts to the PS3 hard drive, even while you're playing a game.

Earlier today Sony announced it will soon be releasing Torne, a small add-on to the PS3 that turns it into a digital video recorder. The Torne kit consists of a small DVR unit that plugs into the PS3 via a USB cable, as well as a Blu-Ray disc to install the necessary software to the PS3 hard drive. This Torne software, designed by Sony's own game development staff, allows you to browse, view, and record TV programs to the PS3's hard drive or another external USB hard drive. While one program is recording you can watch another program, watch a Blu-Ray movie, play a game, or whatever else it is kids do with the XMB these days.

If you plug your PSP into the PS3, you can use remote play to control the video with the PSP, or you can even convert any recorded videos to the PSP's native resolution and copy it to your PSP. The movies can be copied to a Memory Stick Duo or the internal memory of A PSP Go.

Torne will be coming to Japan sometime in March, for ¥9,980, and Sony will also be bundling it with a 250 GB PS3 for ¥42,800. This bundle will be forever known as the PlayStation 3 Chi-Digi Recorder Pack. Release dates for other territories have not yet been announced.






  • 3 weeks later...
a jaky je mezi tim rozdil ? :D

No, jak jsem někde četl, tak s Tornem se dají nahrávat i záznamy z hraní na PS3, má to prý lepší menu, navigaci, budeš dostávat trofeje i za to, že budeš sledovat např. nějaký seriál (myslím si, že to budou oddělené trofeje jenom za Torne a pak za PS3 hry, protože jinak by to byla pěkná vychcanost:D ). Já to chápu jako vylepšenou verzi Play TV, která má pár funkcí navíc.

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