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FlatOut: Head On release date for Europe revealed

Six by Nine's FlatOut: Head On PSP - Image 1After seeing the gameplay video, a lot of people are just itching to try out Six by Nine and Empire Interactive's PSP exclusive: FlatOut: Head On. Well, it was recently announced that Europe-based gamers will get the honor of the first test drive since it launches in their region on March 14, 2008.

In case you aren't familiar with the FlatOut: Head On, it's essentially a racing game where pile-ups and destruction are standard in every level. The game has some pretty sweet features including a maximum of eight cars per race, up to 4000 destructible objects per track, and a good framerate of 30fps.

So those in Europe, start you engines and be sure to strap on those seat belts because FlatOut: Head On is coming to a PSP near you.

jednoduše..EU verze 14. března :)


nevim jestli vas presvedcim ale podivejte se na ten tachometr napriklad nebo neco jineho jak je to rozsirene podle me to neni vubec ofiko trailer protoze je to malinko roztahle do formatu 16:9 a ukazky jsou uplne stejne jak na flat out 1 na pc tak nevim podle me to bude vypadat bud uplne stejne jak flat out na pc ktery me kotel bavil a nebo to bude uplne jine :D:D ale tak urcite to neni normal trailer z psp podivejte se detailne protoze takove videa ktere tu byli uplne na zacatku nekde tak byli primo z pc verze roztahle do formatu 16:9 a a upravene aby to vypadalo jako na psp

nevim jestli vas presvedcim ale podivejte se na ten tachometr napriklad nebo neco jineho jak je to rozsirene podle me to neni vubec ofiko trailer protoze je to malinko roztahle do formatu 16:9 a ukazky jsou uplne stejne jak na flat out 1 na pc tak nevim podle me to bude vypadat bud uplne stejne jak flat out na pc ktery me kotel bavil a nebo to bude uplne jine :D:D ale tak urcite to neni normal trailer z psp podivejte se detailne protoze takove videa ktere tu byli uplne na zacatku nekde tak byli primo z pc verze roztahle do formatu 16:9 a a upravene aby to vypadalo jako na psp

podla mna to moze byt kludne z PSP ten tachac je tam taky akurat mne sa nezda velky ;)

FlatOut: Head On European demo to be released on February 22

Screenshot of Empire Interactive's FlatOut: Head On for PSP - Image 1If you prefer the demolition derby racer over its more realistic brethren in the genre, then you'll be glad to know that the European demo of FlatOut: Head On will finally make its way onto the PlayStation Portable this month.

The developers from Empire Interactive mentioned this juicy tidbit to Eurogamer, explaining that the demo will be released on February 22. The demo itself will feature three different levels from the Carnage mode with one Race, one Destruction Derby, and one Ragdoll Stunt.

Gamers who enjoy this type of racing game can play to their heart's content according to the developers. However, you won't be able to save your progress, nor can you unlock other features in the demo.

While this may not sound very appealing, we all have to remember that this is just a small taste of what's to come. Speaking of which, the full game will feature around 40 vehicles, nine different gameplay modes, wireless multiplayer, and more scrapped metal than your average city junkyard.

FlatOut: Head On is slated to be released in North America this March 11, while the European version of the game will ship out a few days after on March 14.

demo vyjde: 22.2.

US Full verze 11.3.

EU Full verze 14.3.


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