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Eh typci makaju riadne... toto je novy update ktory opravuje bugy v No-UMD update :)

Update obsahuje: WLAN FIX, No-UMD Driver a posledny patch.

"This is a cumulative update, it has the features of previous updates (wlan fix, no umd), plus:

1. Bugfix for the released yesterday no-umd. This should fix the exit to the XMB with error 80020001

that happened to some people, or reduce its appearance.

2. Added plugins options for homebrew that use 1.50 kernel. The file to be used for it,

is ms0:/seplugins/game150.txt.

There is other bugfix, but we don't know if it will make much difference in compatibility.

In order to make compatibility tests, please remember that your ISO shouldn't be more than 54 chars.

- M33"

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