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Nezbývá, než souhlasit s Desmondem. Snad bude v tomhle ohledu trojka lepší. A podle recenze (objevila se první opravdu je. Nakonec, přečtěte si sami (pouze výtah z německé verze):

-15-20 hour-long main quest

-Around 40 hours playtime in total- side missions are vital to amass enough opposition to the Reaper threat

-90 minutes of cutscenes

-No loose ends or cliffhangers, the game is truly an appropriate end to the trilogy with a very intense and touching finale

-More than 100 scenes, conversations and/or events change depending on our choices after importing a save-game from ME2- from something small like someone thanking us for completing a mission to bigger repercussions which would be to spoilerous to write down- you are definitely going to feel the consequences, and not always like them

-SPOILER: In order to rally allies, we search for a cure for the Genophage, build a Prothean weapon, disarm a Cerberus bomb before it destroys half of a moon, and are even inserted virtually in a computer program

-If and how many of these quests we complete influences how the game ends, and who- individually and globally- survives

-While the game can be enjoyable for newcomers as well, because the game is strong on its own mechanically and story-wise, it is recommended to play the first two entries to make more sense out of the wealth of information that the game builds on

-There’s an interesting sequence after the end credits

-The „Role-Play“ mode of the game (In contrast to „Action“ and „Story“) feels very much like ME1

-The game gives you more opportunity to customize your Shepard. Each class has 8 talents with 6 levels each, and up from Level 4 there are two branches to choose from to level up each individual talent differently. Weapon customization is also a factor and noticeable, but the effects (which have both pros and cons) are only marginal

-Balancing isn’t optimal

-The game is noticeably more difficult up from „Medium“, which makes using the correct weapon mods and talents integral to survive. Shepard also shoots more accurately in cover.

-The AI, on the other hand, is still not very advanced

-SPOILER: You are going to visit Krogan ruins, a Geth ship and the Turian moon Palaven, among others

-There are multiple turret sections which aren’t very well directed

-Despite the shortcomings in level design, which are similar to ME2, the game is constantly thrilling, spectacular and dramatic- largely thanks to the well-presented story and dialogue- and there are lot of small and large choices again to ponder on

-Scanning isn’t nearly as repetitive as before, because it works a lot quicker now and incorporates a new mini-game where you have to navigate your ship away from Reaper threat

-The new melee option is fun, but a little overpowered

-Graphically, the low polycount, lack of detail and low texture resolution disappoints- the characters are well animated and modeled however, and the overall look, despite its age, is quite moody

-Great dynamic soundtrack and sound-effects

-Our progress in the war effort is constantly trackable on a terminal on the Normandy

In summary, the game builds on the strenghts of ME2 and takes some notes from ME1 to create the most compelling experience in the franchise yet.

Update: Added in scores for various aspects of the game (via). The review was apparently based on the PlayStation 3 version. Graphics: -/10 (waiting to try PC version)

Sound: 10/10

Balance: 9/10

Atmosphere: 9/10

Controls: -/10 (waiting to try PC version)

Complexity: 9/10

Quests/Story: 10/10

Character system: 10/10

Battle system: 8/10

Items: 9/10


To ovšem na věci moc nemění. V době kdy vyšla Xbox verze se vědělo, že PC verze bude. Sice se možná oficiálně nic neřeklo, ale věděl to vlastně každý (jak to tak bývá).

A to v kontextu jde. Hra byla vyráběná na víc platforem a samozřejmě se to na ní odrazilo. Cynik by řekl, že uplně nejlepší by byla, kdyby vyšla jen pro PC (jak to už také tak bývá).

akoze tie ceske titulky v hre by ti vadili? :D Na PC to bude dobre...

DeSmond: preto, ze nemas na to vykonny PC? Inak nevidim dovod, preco to nehrat na PC :)

Spis bych nechtel, na pc uz nehraju, na xboxu mam savy, coz je pro me nejdulezitejsi a je dost mozne, ze bych to i nerozjel, nevim jak si s tim ted poradi nb, vim ze puvodni masseffect jsem kvuli tomu hrat nemohl :) Pro me proste patri ME na xbox, tak jako vsechny hry :D

kinectem jen davas prikazy otviras dvere atd a me to stejne moc nebere rvat na nej nebudu na kluka jednoho jednou to veme podruhy zas ne

To vim, že tam jsou jen příkazy, ale v demu mě to přišlo právě dost super. Hlas to rozeznává dobře (i když to trochu zkomolíš) a je to dost rychlý a tím pak celá hra více akční, než když hru pauzuješ a ručně zadáváš příkazy. Každýmu to samozřejmě nesedne, ale mně to přijde super a určitě to takhle budu hrát :)

Aky je rozdiel medzi hranim xboxu a cez PC (ak nemyslim na Kinect), ked je vsetko rovnako zapojene do TV? A takisto mozes pouzivat gamepad, ak ti o to ide :)

Navyse terajsie PC su graficky vyssie ako starucky X360.

Jo ale proc bych to tak delal, kdyz muzu hrat rovnou na xboxu a dostanu zazitek takovy, jaky chci......

Ok bude to o trosku hezci, ale to me rozhodne nijak nevytrhne ;)

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