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tak budu vyprazdnovat prostory na jiné sbírky a tyto budu prodavat, budu postupne vyplnovat od limited, steelbooku, artbooku, guide atd.



PS4 Dark Souls III Collectors edition  3000,-

PS4 Dark Souls III USA day one edition new   1200,-

PS4 Bloodborne First Limited Edition JAPAN   1599,-

PS4 Destiny Ghost Edition   3500,-

PS4 Rainbow Siege Art of Siege edition 899,- new

PS4 Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8.  Limited edition new  1599,-

PS4 Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection Limited edition 1800,-

PS4 Uncharted The Nathan Drake Collection press kit     2000,-

PS4 Final Fantasy X/X-2 steelbook limited edition new  1200,-

PS4 The Order 1886 Collectors edition eu version  800,-

PS4 Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris Gold editon bez hry  300,-

PS4 Final Fantasy XV Deluxe edition steelbook + bluray 700,-

PS4 Nier Automata Limited steelbook edition 2000,- včetně hry

PS4 G1 The Evil Within zavvi steelbook + promo disk 700,-

PS4 Mirror's edge catalyst collector's edition bez hry 1500,-

PS4 Tales of Berseria Collector´s Edition 2500,- new

PS4 Metal Gear Solid V Collectors Edition  + MGSV zavvi steelbook new 1400,-


PS3 Assassins Creed IV Black Flag Buccaneer Collector´s edition bez hry  1500,-

PS3 Assassins Creed Revelations Collector´s edition 600,-

PS3 Tales of of Symphonia Chronicles (Collector's Edition) 2300,- new

PS3 Batman Arkham origins EU collectors Edition  1400,-

PS3 Final Fantasy XIII-2 Collector´s edition    400,-

PS3 Injustice USA collectors edition  899,-

PS3 Tales of Xillia 2 Ludger Kresnik Collectors Edition New     2200,-

PS3 Deus Ex Human Revolution Augmented Edition   300,-

PS3 Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 remix Limited edition  new  1100,-

PS3 Metal Gear Solid The Legacy Collection  799,-

PS3 Final Fantasy X/X-2 limited edition 899,-

PS3 Gran Turismo 5 Collectors edition french edition  350,-

PS3 Dark Souls limited edition  800,-

PS3 Dark Souls Prepare to Die jpn edition 900,- new

PS3 Guilty Gear Revelator jpn limited edition

PS3 The Last of US Joel edition  1400,-

PS3 The Last of US Ellie edition  1400,-

PS3 Prototype 2 Blackwatch Collector´s edition  900,-

PS3 Dear or Alive 5 Collectors Edition  600,-

PS3 Gran Turismo 5 Signature edition  1200,-

PS3 Resident Evil 6 steelbook s hrou nové 500,-

PS3 Castlevania zavvi steelbook včetně hry 799,-

PS3 Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2 Collectors Edition Dracula´s Tomb 1200,- new

PS3 Call of duty Black Ops 2 Prestige edition 2500,-

PS3 Borderlands 2 ultimate loot chest limited collector´s edition 2200,-

PS3 Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution Samurai Edition new 1100,-

PS3 Castlevania Lords of Shadow Collectors edition   700,-

PS3 Tales of Xillia Day One edition  450,-

PS3 Infamous 2 Hero Edition ps3 nové 900,-

PS3 Crysis 2 Nano Edition (není puvodní krabice) je možné prodat zvlášť Steelbook s hrou, Artbook pevna vazba, figurka nerozdelaná a batoh

PS3 Metal Gear Solid Rising Revengeance Limited zavvi edition new 2200,-

PS3 Resistance 3 Special Edition (PS3 steelbook game) 700,-

PS3 Puppeteer press kit  900,-

PS3 Tales of Zestiria Collector´s Edition 2500,- new

PS3 God of War Ascension Collector´s Edition 1300,- zamluveno


X360 Alan Wake Limited Collectors Edition  komplet 400,-

X360 Assassins Rogue Collectors Edition bez hry   350,-

Xbox 360 Assassin´s Creed Brotherhood Collectors Edition Doctor Jack in The Box  600,-



Dark Souls 2 Webhallen edition (sberatelska edice, batoh, prsten, specialni kryt na hlavu)

PC Evil Within limited edition  250,-

PC Dark Souls prepare to die limited edition   999,-

PC Mortal Kombat X Collectors edition   1800,-

Fallout Anthology Game Collection Collectible Mini Nuke Collector's Edition PC new  1600,-



PREDÁTOR (Blu-ray 3D/2D + DVD) ULTIMÁTNÍ LOVECKÁ TROFEJ Limitovaná sběratelská edice s hlavou PREDÁTORA 500 kusů (Blu-ray 3D)    2500,-

VETŘELEC Alien Antologie 1 - 4 Kolekce Limitovaná sběratelská edice Dárková sada (6 Blu-ray)   2500,-

G2 Útok na bílý dům steelbook 200,- nové

G2 The Lords of Ring Trilogy 3x steelbook nové   komplet 1000,- je mozné prodat zvlast




Dark Souls II USA metalpak    300,-

G2 Crysis 2 Nano Edition steelbook včetně hry 1200,-

G1 Wolfenstein steelbook 350,-

G2 Need for Speed Most Wanted 250,-

G2 Star Wars Battlefront amazon steelbook 400,-

G2 Uncharted 4 steelbook 600,-

G2 PS4 Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor Special Steelbook  350,-



Artbook, Guides

Resident Evil 6 Limited Edition Strategy new 300,-

Dark Souls II Collector´s Edition Strategy Guide 700,-

Dark Souls III Collector´s Edition: Prima official game guide 800,-

Bloodborne Collector´s Edition strategy Guide 800,-

The Art of Fallout 4 999,- new







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