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Alespon to tvrdi na Gamespotu a IGN, vypada to verohodne:

PlayStation 4 development 'under way' - Sony

By Tor Thorsen, GameSpot

Posted May 26, 2011 12:03 pm PT

Sony Corp. CFO says that increased game-division R&D costs are indeed stemming from development of "future platform"; NGP still due in 2011.

Following its annual earnings report this morning, Sony has confirmed it is working on a successor to the PlayStation 3. In a post-report conference call, Sony executive vice president and chief financial officer Masaru Kato was queried about an increase in research and development costs for the company.

Work on the next PlayStation is already under way.

When asked what the "major driver" of R&D costs was, Kato said--via a translator--that one was "prototype research work, development work during the current fiscal year in [the] game segment."

He continued, "We have a portable NGP to be launched later this year, so we have development expenses to be incurred for this product and for the home equipment. The PS3 still has a product life, but this is a platform business, so for the future platform--when we'll be introducing what product I cannot discuss that--but our development work is already under way, so the costs are incurred there." (Emphasis added.)

Kato's comments come as Sony's competitors are gearing up their own next-generation console efforts. In April, Nintendo confirmed rumors of a Wii successor by announcing that the console will be playable at the Electronic Entertainment Expo next month. (The console itself will go on sale in 2012.) In March, Microsoft posted job listings for a range of "next generation" Xbox development positions to work on "future platforms."

(Vicemene to same na IGN)

Sony's Next Console in Development

"Development work is underway," company says.

May 26, 2011

The successor to the PlayStation 3 is currently in development, Sony confirmed during the company's investor meeting today.

Executive vice president and chief financial officer Masaru Kato was asked to explain the rising research and development costs for the company's fiscal year. "In the game segment, we have the NGP to launch later this year. So we have development expenses to be incurred for this product," he explained.

"For the home console, the PS3 still has a product life, but this is a platform business, so for the future platform - when we will introduce the product I cannot discuss - but development work is underway, so the costs are incurred there."

Nintendo recently announced plans to reveal its new console at E3 next month, with a full product release in 2012. Meanwhile, Microsoft began hiring for its "next generation console" this past March.



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ja si osobne myslim, ze by se meli soustredit na zabezpeceni systemu. Probehl dalsi utok...

Tentokrát se zaměřili na web filmové pobočky společnosti, SonyPictures.com, a získali z ní několik milionů hesel, e-mailových adres a jiných informací. Lulz Security prozradili, že se jim podařilo hacknout do databáze, ve které byly nezakódovaná hesla, jména, adresy a data narození zákazníků. "Během jediného průniku jsme se dostali KE VŠEMU," říkají Lulz. "Co je horší, všechna data, která jsme odtud získali, nebyla zakódovaná. Sony mělo přes 1 milion hesel svých zákazníků v obyčejném textovém souboru."

Kromě toho zaútočili i na Sony Music Japan, z jejichž serveru získali 75 000 kódů ke stažení hudby a 3,5 milionu kupónů k jejich nákupu v online obchodě Sony MyPlay Store. Nestačí to? Nestačí. LulzSec dali všechna tato data k dispozici na torrenty.

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