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Warning! Dae.bin Being Silently Updated Through XBOX LIVE

Posted on 17.11.2011 at 18:41 in Tech News, XBOX360 by pz1

Bad news for all users using flashed Xbox360, Microsoft “released” a new silent protection. If you have an error when you want to start a game like MW3, Rage, NFS The Run or Batman Arkham City resulting an error like “Can not read disk”,that’s mean your console is flag’d by Microsoft… Stay away from XBOXlive when you are using backup disc, or use xKey…

More informations after the jump.

Update frome c4eva : “In short every game now has a unique dae.bin file and will always constantly change, which means the end of cfw and the xk3y. as soon as you log onto xbox live a silent update will flag your xbox for a ban, if you have logged on live or after nov 17th you are flagged for a ban, no way around it. only use the xk3y for playing offline. its now 100% xbox live UNSAFE.”


“First and foremost, a warning — at this current time it is advised that you stay offline and avoid playing any AP2.5/XGD3 backups. It has been confirmed by the team that the dae.bin is now being silently updated on all LIVE-connected boxes.

This update is not being deployed via a SystemUpdate or TitleUpdate, but rather occurs in the background without any visual indication or prompt to the user. As such, there is no means by which it can be cancelled or avoided, other than not connecting to LIVE. If you’ve connected to LIVE in the past 24 hours, your system has likely already been updated with a changed dae.bin.

All AP2.5/XGD3 backups that contain the now older AP25 replay data will fail the system’s AP2.5 challenges and indeed flag your system (the flagging has also been confirmed by the team).

Like our news a few days ago, the dae.bin is now being changed by way of an appended challenge table in the same manner on current retail dashes (13604) as it is on the preview dash (14686), however the content of the challenge tables differ. The team has determined that the appended challenge table appears to be unique per console and contains indentifying information. This means that everyone’s dae.bin is different, and can potentially be traced back to your specific console. Therefore, sharing your dae.bin with others is not advisable.

More info to come.”

Source: C4evaspeaks.com





Hmm tak pokud je to pravda tak potěš. To by znamenalo ze všichni co včera hráli jsou v hledáčku.

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Píšeš, že zdrojem informací jsou c4evaspeaks.com / team-xecuter / xboxscene. Zajímá mě zejména pasáž, kde se dle této zprávy cituje c4eva, že to znamená konec CFW a že mají lidi teď používat jen xk3y. To jsou totiž takové bláboly, že bych toho, kdo to napsal, pověsil za koule do průvanu!

///EDIT: Tak jsem tu pasáž rádoby citovanou samotným c4eva dal do googlu a ejhle - na prvním místě xk3y fórum a dál jen nějaké pochybné torrentrelease stránky. No, jestli je tohle způsob, jak si tvůrce xk3y chce zvýšit popularitu a nebo snad prodejnost, tak to má tedy pěkné praktiky.

Naopak, sám c4eva aktuálně podrobuje spučasnou situaci detailnímu zkoumání, nechal se slyšet, že pracuje na řešení a rozhodně dosud nevypustil z úst, že by to mělo znamenat konec CFW. Doporučuji sledovat prověřené zdroje a případně navštěvovat místa, kam pravidelně chodí podávat informace.

Naopak odvolávání se s hoaxem na oficiální zdroje je pod úroveň a toto téma by se mělo locknout dřív, než lidi vážně zpanikaří.

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