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<title>Modern Warfare 3 page.</title>


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<center> <h1><font color="66cc33">Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3</font></h1> </center>

<table border="5" width="100%">


<td align="center">

<h1><font color="black">Singleplayer</iframe></font><br />

<font color="black">Characters</font><br />

<font color="black">Weapons</font><br /></h1>


<td valign="top">

<b><font color="700000"><p>Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 is made by Infinity Ward as a continuation of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2.</p>

<p>It was released on November 8. 2011. Raven Software was helping with the user interface and DLC. Also they have helped with former Call of Duty games

Modern Warfare 3 uses an upgraded Modern Warfare 2 engine.</p>

<p>On May 13 that day, four teaser trailers were released on Call of Duty's official youtube channel. Each one revealed a different location: New York, London, Paris and Berlin.</p>

<p>The full reveal trailer was released on May 23. 2011. The reveal featured sequences from combat in all four of the previously confirmed locations.</p><p>The Single Player trailer, Redemption, was released on October 7. 2011. Revealing bits of the story of the campaign, also including the return of Captain Price as he continues his hunt for Makarov.</p></font></b>





Tady jsou ty části menu: Weapons: <html>


<title>Modern Warfare 3 page.</title>


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<center> <h1><font color="66cc33">Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3</font></h1> </center>

<table border="5" width="100%">


<td align="center">

<h1><font color="black">Singleplayer</font><br />

<font color="black">Characters</font><br />

<font color="black">Weapons</font><br /></h1>


<td valign="top">

<b><font color="700000">

<p><img src="http://www.imodernwarfare3.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/mw3-weapons-acr.jpg" width="100px">The ACR is the Assault Rifle used by players during the Task Force 141 campaign missions.</p>

<p><img src="http://thecoddaily.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/type-95.png?w=500&h=270" width="100px">The Type 95 is available at Level 32 in Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer. It is a three-round burst weapon and has a high rate of fire per burst. It has high damage and fast rate of fire lead to one-burst kills quite often. </p>

<p><img src="http://g-wiki.net/images/3/32/Fad-mw3.jpg" witdht="100px">The FAD is seen in hands of the Africa Militia forces during Singleplayer.</p>

<p><img src="http://images.wikia.com/callofduty/images/2/26/CM901_MW3_CAC.png" width="100px">The CM901 is available at level 18 in multiplayer. It is one of the deadliest assault rifles, because of its high damage, relatively clear iron sights, and good handling, with a moderate reload time.</p>





Characters: <html>


<title>Modern Warfare 3 page.</title>


<body background="http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/207/5/7/modern_warfare_3_wallpaper_by_iwsfod_d-d41s40f.jpg">

<center> <h1><font color="66cc33">Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3</font></h1> </center>

<table border="5" width="100%">


<td align="center">

<h1><font color="black">Singleplayer</font><br />

<font color="black">Characters</font><br />

<font color="black">Weapons</font><br /></h1>


<td valign="top">

<b><font color="700000">

<p><img src="http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111204025804/callofduty/images/thumb/0/01/Price_MW3_model.png/300px-Price_MW3_model.png" width="100px">Captain John Price, is a British special forces soldier and one of the main protagonists along with John Soap MacTavish featured in Call of Duty Modern Warfare, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 and Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3.</p>

<p><img src="http://earlvagary.files.wordpress.com/2009/11/makarov.jpg" width="100px">Vladimir R.Makarov was the leader of the Ultranationalist terrorist cell. He is a supporting opponent in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 and the main opponent in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3.</p>

<p><img src="http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111204162402/callofduty/images/f/f6/Frost_MW3_model.png" width="100ox">Derek Frost is a Staff Sergeant and Delta Force operator assigned to Team Metal. Frost is one of the playable characters in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3.</p>

<p>Other Characters:Yuri,Kamarov,Nikolai,Wallcroft and Sandman.<img src="http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111203205640/callofduty/images/thumb/f/f1/Yuri_MW3_Model.jpg/300px-Yuri_MW3_Model.jpg" width="100px"> <img src="http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111203204808/callofduty/images/4/48/Kamarov_MW3_Model.jpg" width="100px"> <img src="http://images.wikia.com/callofduty/images/9/98/NikolaiMW.jpg" width="90px"> <img src="http://images.wikia.com/callofduty/images/f/fc/SgtWallcroft.png" width="100px"> <img src="http://images.wikia.com/official-mw3/images/1/1d/402px-ACRThirdPersonMW3.png" width="100px"></p>






Single missions: <html>


<title>Modern Warfare 3 page.</title>


<body background="http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/207/5/7/modern_warfare_3_wallpaper_by_iwsfod_d-d41s40f.jpg">

<center> <h1><font color="66cc33">Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3</font></h1> </center>

<table border="5" width="100%">


<td align="center">

<h1><font color="black">Singleplayer</font><br />

<font color="black">Characters</font><br />

<font color="black">Weapons</font><br /></h1>


<td valign="top">

<b><font color="700000"><p><a href="

">Back on the Grid:</a> In this mission you are Yuri. You must move stealthily through Sierra Leone along with Price and Soap as they locate a cargo package belonging to Vladimir Makarov.


<p><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dobbwv0-OwU">Bag nad Drag:</a> Price contacts Sandman, where the latter express thanks on the tip on Kingfish.He also informs Price that there is a Kill/Capture order on his head. Price tells Sandman that Makarov's bomb maker, Volk, is in Paris and he needs Delta force to capture him. Overlord informs Metal 0-1 that the GIGN has tracked Volk inside enemy lines but is currently pinned down by enemy fire, and Metal 0-1 has to 'unpin' them.</p>

<p><a href"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNjCv9OIF-M">Black Tuesday:</a> Black Tuesday is the first mission of Modern Warfare 3. The player takes control of Derek “Frost“ Westbrook, a Deltra Force operator in New York. The objective of the mission is to destroy a Russian radio/microwave jammer placed on the Stock Exchange.After that, the player will be extracted by a Black Hawk and must duel against Russian helicopters to reach New York Harbor, the location of the next mission. </p>

<p><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qClr-zVHWy8">Davis Family Vacation:</a> It is a short cinematic level, where the player controls a father's camera filming their family vacation. A truck will stop in front of the family and the player can see two Russians get out of it and run. Shortly after, the truck explodes, killing the family. The truck releases gas, which is revealed to be part of a series of chemical attacks across Europe, triggering the next step of World War III.</p>

<p><a href="

">Down the Rabbit Hole:</a> Down the Rabbit Hole is a mission in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3. This mission is about Delta Force cooperating with Task Force 141 to save President of Russia, Boris Vorshevsky, and his daughter from a diamond mine. Sandman, Truck, and Grinch all die at the end of this mission.</p>

<p><a href="

">Blood Brothers:</a> The mission starts off with Soap and Yuri waiting forMakarov's convoy so they can assassinate him. Price and Kamarov also have their own plans (ambushing Makarov inside the building). After they kill the guards on the balcony, Price rappels into the building and finds Kamarov strapped on a seat with C4. Makarov then speaks on the radio saying "Price, Hell awaits you", and detonates the explosives strapped to Kamarov, killing him and nearly taking Price with him. After watching Price and Kamarov in the building across the street, Makarov tells Yuri that he should have never come here.</p></font></b>





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