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Videa z Kinectu

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Zdravicko ve spolek - tusite nekdo, jestli XBOX360 Slim s pridanym diskem nekam uklada videa a fotky z Kinectu? Kinect Sports 1 + 2 porizuji zaznamy hracu behem hrani, ale nepodarilo se mi zjistit, jestli se to nekam uklada a kam, pripadne jestli by to slo pres FSDcko odnekud vytahnout a pripadne prekonvertovat. Diky za rady!

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Tak zatim se mi podarilo zjistit akorat tohle (je to z XBOX360Iso) a tyka se to Just Dance 4:


Look for a folder name 0000001 and has the filetype .CNT and the other files are your autodance videos open with notepad to confirm.

Ma to jedinou "drobnou" nevyhodu a to tu, ze ta videa pry nejdou poradne v nicem otevrit nebo prekonvertovat na PCcku... :-/ :(

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