Sniper Odesláno Březen 8, 2012 Nahlásit Odesláno Březen 8, 2012 Cauky,mam x360 bez HDMI,nevim jestli ma/mel flash/ban nebo neco podobneho,original hry normalne cte,hdd funguje,chtel jsem dat update dashboardu a vzdy se ukaze E66.Nevite nekdo co s tim nebo co to je za zavadu?Diky moc :) Citovat
0 Moderators drak3go Odesláno Březen 8, 2012 Moderators Nahlásit Odesláno Březen 8, 2012 E66: DVD Drive Error - Dvd drive pairing failure: DVD model, or version does not match that of the version expected by the dashboard. OR the firmware version on the drive is older then the firmware version expected by the dashboard. Make sure the DVD drive is of the same version originally included with the console and that it is using either the original firmware included with the console or newer. if drive can eject, read, and write under windows but errors on console, replacing original firmware should fix issue. Citovat
Cauky,mam x360 bez HDMI,nevim jestli ma/mel flash/ban nebo neco podobneho,original hry normalne cte,hdd funguje,chtel jsem dat update dashboardu a vzdy se ukaze E66.Nevite nekdo co s tim nebo co to je za zavadu?Diky moc :)
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