myschoo Odesláno Srpen 28, 2006 Nahlásit Odesláno Srpen 28, 2006 proste nepockaj na fw 3.0 :´( pravdepodobne by aj tak na 3.0 bola uz nova verzai libtiffu
Lost Odesláno Srpen 28, 2006 Nahlásit Odesláno Srpen 28, 2006 Taky nahraju tam ten obrazek a sekne se PSP jedno jsem to musel restratovat sám podruhé se PSP resetnulo samo.
Lost Odesláno Srpen 28, 2006 Nahlásit Odesláno Srpen 28, 2006 Už to jde :-D asi na 4 pokus jsem to rozjel :-)
myschoo Odesláno Srpen 28, 2006 Nahlásit Odesláno Srpen 28, 2006 supr, šel jsem do obrázku a ¨PSP zamrzlo a blikala oranžová kontrolka karty, tak sem myslel že to je fake a nyčí mi to systemoví soubory :oops: tak sem vytáhl memory stick a pustila se ta animačka , super :)EDIT: přihodim video rozlišení: 160 x 120 velikost: 4,19 MB cíl: si pomaly :P uz som dal video na youtube v lepsej kvalite 640x480 :P
enginehead Odesláno Srpen 28, 2006 Nahlásit Odesláno Srpen 28, 2006 supr, šel jsem do obrázku a ¨PSP zamrzlo a blikala oranžová kontrolka karty, tak sem myslel že to je fake a nyčí mi to systemoví soubory :oops: tak sem vytáhl memory stick a pustila se ta animačka , super :)EDIT: přihodim video rozlišení: 160 x 120 velikost: 4,19 MB cíl: si pomaly :P uz som dal video na youtube v lepsej kvalite 640x480 :P ja ho natočil dříve jen nevěděl kam ho uploadnout
enginehead Odesláno Srpen 28, 2006 Nahlásit Odesláno Srpen 28, 2006 to je jedno ;) tak proč to řešíš?? :) :wink:
Malcolm. Odesláno Srpen 28, 2006 Nahlásit Odesláno Srpen 28, 2006 mazeeeec :shock: hned to du vyzkouset
Lost Odesláno Srpen 28, 2006 Nahlásit Odesláno Srpen 28, 2006 Jo je to v poho jen se my to zaplo asi na 4 pokus. :-)
shadow.wizard Odesláno Srpen 28, 2006 Nahlásit Odesláno Srpen 28, 2006 Hmm rychly navod k tomu, ako sa stat piratom! :lol: :lol:
shadow.wizard Odesláno Srpen 28, 2006 Nahlásit Odesláno Srpen 28, 2006 co? nechapemNevies co znamena OWNED alebo co!? :wink:
myschoo Odesláno Srpen 28, 2006 Nahlásit Odesláno Srpen 28, 2006 ano...viem co znamena Owned od slova OWNAGE... v tomto pripade to neznamena vlastnit "Owned (often typed in leet speak among gamers) is an internet slang word used commonly in gaming circles to acknowledge a form of superiority through the downfall of another group, be it another gaming clan, or a single user. This can be in the context of winning an online game, a debate on a forum, or attaining a successful hacking, as well as the signature to a rebuttal, such as "You got 0wned!" to announce the defeat of another user on the internet in the form of a debate or flame war. It signifies defeat and humiliation, often through the dominance or superiority of another party. For example, a player who repeatedly beats his opponent in online computer games, may claim he has "owned" him, even in games like Halo 2 or Counter Strike, a player in a single match that has been killed in a way that is deemed to have taken a large amount of skill but most time luck (though players with a high amount of skill or experience can pull off more difficult moves) it is said that the opponent who is killed "got owned". There are military examples of similar sentiments being expressed by a victorious party. [citation needed]" nic ti to nehovori?
shadow.wizard Odesláno Srpen 28, 2006 Nahlásit Odesláno Srpen 28, 2006 ano...viem co znamena Owned od slova OWNAGE... v tomto pripade to neznamena vlastnit"Owned (often typed in leet speak among gamers) is an internet slang word used commonly in gaming circles to acknowledge a form of superiority through the downfall of another group, be it another gaming clan, or a single user. This can be in the context of winning an online game, a debate on a forum, or attaining a successful hacking, as well as the signature to a rebuttal, such as "You got 0wned!" to announce the defeat of another user on the internet in the form of a debate or flame war. It signifies defeat and humiliation, often through the dominance or superiority of another party. For example, a player who repeatedly beats his opponent in online computer games, may claim he has "owned" him, even in games like Halo 2 or Counter Strike, a player in a single match that has been killed in a way that is deemed to have taken a large amount of skill but most time luck (though players with a high amount of skill or experience can pull off more difficult moves) it is said that the opponent who is killed "got owned". There are military examples of similar sentiments being expressed by a victorious party. [citation needed]" nic ti to nehovori? JJ jasan. Nechcem tu ziaden FLAME takze PEACE.
myschoo Odesláno Srpen 28, 2006 Nahlásit Odesláno Srpen 28, 2006 vpoho rad som ta naucil :P ale teraz ontopic...
Malcolm. Odesláno Srpen 28, 2006 Nahlásit Odesláno Srpen 28, 2006 me by zajimalo za jak dlouho budou ty isa :)
Malcolm. Odesláno Srpen 28, 2006 Nahlásit Odesláno Srpen 28, 2006 jo a jinak k cemu je ten program Hello word? nebo to je jenom animace? thx
Kořas Odesláno Srpen 28, 2006 Autor Nahlásit Odesláno Srpen 28, 2006 Je to jen demonstrace, je to uplne na nic jen dukaz ze ten exploit jede a ze to nejni fake :wink:
Guest darthvader Odesláno Srpen 28, 2006 Nahlásit Odesláno Srpen 28, 2006 konecne povzbudive info... :D
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