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Slim & Lite, Star Ocean: First Departure Tags: Square Enix

The Star Ocean First Departure Eternal Edition bundle from Square Enix - Image 1Around three weeks back, we announced that Square Enix will be releasing another limited edition PSP along with Star Ocean: First Departure. Dubbed as Star Ocean First Departure Eternal Edition, Square Enix's package deal will include the PSP-2000ZF special edition PSP and the Star Ocean remake.

Based on what we've seen so far, it appears the limited edition PSP-2000ZF model that's bundled with the game comes in a bluish silver tint, and also includes a metallic blue pouch with which to store it. What sets it apart, however, are the Star Ocean: First Departure motifs etched on both sides of the PSP's frame.

Square Enix's Star Ocean: First Departure, on the other hand, is one of two remakes of the original Star Ocean RPG series that are on the way. Yoshinori Yamagishi, producer of the series, had the entire engine of the original game overhauled and added new artwork, new playable characters, new (fully-voiced) dialogue, and new animated cutscenes.



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