Zdravim, pred par dnami som kupil GTA V budle s konzolou a mam problem, ze v 50% casti mesta, prevazne cez den mam neznesitelne klesanie FPS, podla mna obcas aj na 20 spojene s obcasnym sekanim.. Mimo mesta, peso, ide hra absolutne plynule ale jazdit po meste a este k tomu cez den je nemozne, v online uz vobec nie.
Pisal som aj na R* support a tam mi odporucili upgradnut HDD na SSD.. ako vazne? Kupim si konzolu amam hned kupovat SSD?
"We would like to inform you that the Frame rate drops are being caused by the slow 5200RPM hard drive that came with the PS4. We have received reports from other players that upgrading to a SSD drive has made the Frame rate drops go away.If you have any additional issues or concerns, kindly let us know,"
Potom som si s nimi este pisal, ci mam vratit konzolu a oni: We will take your issue as suggestion and will escalate it to the concerned department to fix the issue and you may be able to see the fix in future updates. We do understand your concern as a fellow gammer. We request you to wait till the patch gets released.
Da sa to teda nejako fixnut, popripade mate niekto ten isty problem ??
Zdravim, pred par dnami som kupil GTA V budle s konzolou a mam problem, ze v 50% casti mesta, prevazne cez den mam neznesitelne klesanie FPS, podla mna obcas aj na 20 spojene s obcasnym sekanim.. Mimo mesta, peso, ide hra absolutne plynule ale jazdit po meste a este k tomu cez den je nemozne, v online uz vobec nie.
Pisal som aj na R* support a tam mi odporucili upgradnut HDD na SSD.. ako vazne? Kupim si konzolu amam hned kupovat SSD?
"We would like to inform you that the Frame rate drops are being caused by the slow 5200RPM hard drive that came with the PS4. We have received reports from other players that upgrading to a SSD drive has made the Frame rate drops go away.If you have any additional issues or concerns, kindly let us know,"
Potom som si s nimi este pisal, ci mam vratit konzolu a oni: We will take your issue as suggestion and will escalate it to the concerned department to fix the issue and you may be able to see the fix in future updates. We do understand your concern as a fellow gammer. We request you to wait till the patch gets released.
Da sa to teda nejako fixnut, popripade mate niekto ten isty problem ??
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