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GTAIV patch v1.02

Rockstar dnes uvolnil nový patch pro PS3 a Xbox 360 hru Grand Theft Auto IV. Opravuje několik chyb v multiplayerové části hry, mezi to se zahrnuje oprava zamrzávání hry v některých modech, lepší konektivitu a vypnutí hry, když všichni hráči ze hry odejdou.

Celý seznam opravených chyb naleznete pod tímto odkazem

zdroj: playstation.hodnoceniher.cz

tekken: ses moc pomalej, ja to jeste k tomu prekladal cely :P :D

~~;367399']Někde sem četl' date='že po poslední misi by si měl mít ze hry 75% ;)...[/quote']
Ah, 100%. An achievement most were hoping wouldn’t be in the game, but alas, it is. Here’s what you need to do for the 100% achievement. Be prepared to spend anywhere from 30-60 hours on this puppy.

Below I’ll explain where the percentages come from to add to 100% and how to obtain them.

Story Missions - 60%

* Complete every available story mission.

* For a printable checklist, go HERE

Procedural Missions - 8%

* Little Jacob drug delivery - 2%

o For locations/strategies see “Courier Service” HERE

* Brucie 10 cars export - 2%

o For locations/strategies see “Order Fullfilled” HERE

* Brucie Races - 2%

o For locations/strategies see “Genetically Superior” HERE

o NOTE: Although the achievement requires you to win twenty races, you only need to win the original nine for the percentage.

o For a printable checklist, go HERE

* Assassinations - 2%

o For locations/strategies see “Assassin’s Greed” HERE

o For a printable checklist, go HERE

Car Thefts - 2%

* Deliver all 30 vehicles requested by Stevie via text message to the garage

o For locations/strategies see “You Got the Message” HERE

o For a printable checklist, go HERE

Friends - 10%

* Open all unique abilities

o You must unlock all unique abilities from friends.

+ Brucie - Helicopter

+ Little Jacob - Guns

+ Packie - Bomb

o You do not need to keep the abilities unlocked, you just have to unlock them all at least once.

o For a printable checklist, go HERE

* Complete every possible activity with each friend.

o You must actually BEAT your friends at pool, darts, and bowling.

o Dwayne, Michelle, and Roman do NOT count towards the percentage.

o For a printable checklist, go HERE

Games - 5%

* Beat all games at least once

o Darts vs friend or computer - 1.25%

o Bowling vs friend in a FULL game - 1.25%

o Pool vs friend or computer win - 1.25%

o QUB3D beat high score - 1.25%

+ For locations/strategies see "King of QUB3D" HERE

Random Characters - 5%

* Find all the random characters and complete all their missions

o For locations/strategies see "No More Strangers" HERE

o NOTE: The achievement for No More Strangers only requires you to meet each random character once, for the percentage, you must complete all parts i.e. Brian Part 1, 2, and 3.

o Jeff, Cherise, Clarence, and Ivan do NOT count towards the percentage.

o For a printable checklist, go HERE

Most Wanted - 2.5%

* Kill all 30 PEDs on list

o For locations/strategies see "Manhunt" HERE

o For a printable checklist, go HERE

Vigilante - 2.5%

* Complete 20 crimes

o For locations/strategies see "Cleaned the Mean Streets" HERE.

Flying Rats - 2.5%

* Find all 200 pigeons

o For locations/strategies see "Endangered Species" HERE.

Unique Stunt Jumps - 2.5%

* Complete all 50 stunt jumps

o For locations/strategies see "Dare Devil" HERE.

Total - 100%

* For a printable checklist, go HERE

Complete all of the above and bask in the awesomeness of the Key to the City achievement.

NOTE: Make sure you save after you do things! If you take Brucie out to the bar, then quit, the game won't remember you took him out! Before you stop playing make sure to save so you don't get stuck at 98% scratching your head and cluttering up the forum with questions about your game glitching.

NOTE #2: I'm only one man, and I'm not a developer for Rockstar, so if you see any mistakes, send me a PM. Only send me a PM if you're positive that I'm missing something or am incorrect about something. Also feel free to send me a PM if there are any spelling mistakes in my printable guides.

Update Log:

5/24 - Created and linked printable spreadsheets for all applicable items so it'll be easier for you to keep track of what you need to do.

5/27 - Added prerequisites to make random characters show up.

5/28 - Redid the Friends section as people were still getting confused.

  • 2 weeks later...
no tak sem si koupil xbox360 a kněmu GTA4 origo, v domění že to pujde jak má:bash:

Nechtěl jsem vypáleny GTA protože se tam nedočítají ty textury:bash: ale mě se nedočítájí ty texturi taky a to někdy brutálně zmyzne silnica a sem ve vduchu třeba to je hrozny:cry::cry:

To snad není pravda už! Chtěl jsem si časem taky pořídit originální disk abych si už konečně zahrál GTAčko jak má bejt a pořád to nejde... Všichni ti teď akorát poraděj ať si pořídíš HDD...

budu muset ale kámoš otevřel xbox360 hernu a má tam racade verze a gta4 a de mu to v pohodě:) asi záleží na konzoli.... asi si fakt budu ten HDD pořídit i když sem za to vubec nechtěl utrácet:bash:

Někdo tu už ale o tom psal, kouknu po tom...

White, nezlob se, ale nejlepší volba fakt bude tu origo prodat a stáhnout si tu hru a koupit HDD :D :dozey:

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