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Má to cenu se hádat???:blink: Kazdymu se prece libi a vyhovuje mu neco jinyho...a ze kamos rikal ze to a to je lepsi tak proste kazdej ma svoje pro a proti tak tady nemusite hned do sebe rejpat jak maly deti...:roll::!::) (qip:ano cetl jsem si tvuj vek 16 let;) a Anonymous_toho umi a vi urcite o dost vic nez ty...bez urazky...;) )

Anonymous_ tady mas tu HB skype...http://psp.novinky.org/pspnews/phprs/view.php?cisloclanku=2008010005

Nejsem si jist, jestli jsem to dobře pochopil, ale to není HB Skype, ale jen VoIP telefon. Nepřipojíš se s tím na skype...

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Nejsem si jist, jestli jsem to dobře pochopil, ale to není HB Skype, ale jen VoIP telefon. Nepřipojíš se s tím na skype...

Z psp.novinky.org:"Fanjita a Noobz vytvořili Furikup jako alternativu k PSP Skype, který bude součástí nového firmwaru. Jde o aplikaci, která vám dovolí používat vaše PSP jako telefon, za využítí Voice-over-IP (VoIP) technologie, i na starších PSP série 1000." Tak z toho to snad jde pochopit ne?Je to "JAKO Skype" A nezkousel jsem to tak newim...:)

  • 3 weeks later...

dneska by měl bejt spuštěnej Go!messenger...zatím zdarma ...

BT & Sony announced today that they have launched Go!Messenger, the new wireless communication package for PSP. Go!Messenger will allow gamers to Video, Voice and Instant Message (IM) each other from anywhere in the world all from their PSPs. The press release states its FREE, but as you may have seen in an earlier report its only free for now and may not be in the future. They plan for now is to get you all using it and then figure out how to charge you for it.

Press Release

Brings Friends Closer Together With Go!Messenger

Video chat, voice chat and instant messaging for PSP

27th February 2008. Friends and Gamers can be that little closer together with the launch of Go!Messenger, the new wireless communication package for PSP™ (PlayStation® portable) from Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) and BT.

PSP users can now keep in touch with each other, for free[1], from any wireless broadband internet connection. Go!Messenger will allow gamers to Video, Voice and Instant Message (IM) each other from anywhere in the world all from their PSPs. When connected to a Go!Cam, the attachable video camera and microphone for PSP, users also have the ability to make video calls to their friends and leave fun video and voice messages.

Go!Messenger has been developed in partnership with BT, allowing users to connect to wireless broadband at over 2,500 BT Openzone hotspots and in and around city centres. Users will have the freedom of a mobile phone except that through Go! Messenger all calls to other users are free1.

“With Go!Messenger, the PSP is pushing new boundaries, adding unique communication features to all the existing multimedia experiences,” said Stephane Hareau, PSP European Marketing Manager. “Enabling more than 8.5 Million PSP users across the SCEE region to communicate with each other, through Video or Voice chat, truly confirms the always evolving nature and potential of PSP."

Warren Buckley, BT Group Director Mobility & Convergence said, “By working with PlayStation, BT is helping to consolidate PSP as a communications and entertainment device that will sit at the heart of a PSP user’s digital lifestyle. For the first time, the PSP community can stay constantly connected through voice and video chat and instant messaging both in and out of the home. We believe that this exciting development will only help SCEE to attract even more customers for the PSP.”

Go!Messenger, vyvinutý společností British Telecom, umožní uživatelům PSP komunikovat mezi sebou zcela zdarma, stačí mít k dispozici libovolné bezdrátové (wi-fi) vysokorychlostní internetové připojení. Uživatelé si tak budou moci posílat okamžité zprávy (instant message) a po připojení kamerky Go!Cam se budou moci se svými přáteli spojit i pomocí hlasových hovorů, nebo videohovorů.

Narozdíl od Skype, který je určen výhradně pro PSP Slim, mohou Go!Messenger provozovat uživatelé na obou modelech PSP. Kounikace je ale bohužel možná, pouze s dalším uživatelem Go!Messenger.


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