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nejsem sice american ani anglican ale na netu semnarazil na tohle

Well, as much of you have seen, 3.90M33 is a pretty easy firmware to work on. Even though, i want to tell a coulpe of things...

First of all, please don't ask for it to be released. I will delete the comments at that aspect.

And secondly, at the skype part, i've been testing with it under an UP psp, and looks like it works without problems (also a known of mine made some phone calls from skypeout free, and i was like wtf xD) even thought, at that part, i tested at an original fw... therefore i can't confirm if fake region can make it _not_ work.

Also, if you want to work within the 3.90 files, you'd probably have to wait for 3.90M33, as actual PSARDumpers retrieve a "PSAR too big" error. Even thought, this might be solved in the future.

And now, a little stuff for developers... you might have seen the file "g729.prx", new in this firmware. This is the Skype audio codec. Studying it and with the help of a friend called Xenogears, we got this results via bruteforcing the nids;:cry:prd tomu rozumim ale bylo tam neco o 3:90 m33:wohow:

na netu sem takycetl ze na tyhle verzi nepojedou isa ale to je asi blbost dyz je to od m33

Toto téma je nyní uzavřeno, a proto není možné odpovídat.
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