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  • 1 month later...

PS3 controller chip the key to a real PS3 exploit?

Tallen has posted up an interesting hypothesis regarding a possible way to a PS3 exploit. He claims in the PS3 controller there is a chip that is similar on the PSP and seems to control the firmware in the same fashion. You can check out the ongoing thread at ps3hax.net.

více: http://www.ps3hax.net/hacks-exploits/5587-possible-hardware-exploit.html

  • 2 weeks later...
no tak ale v Sixaxisu je to nanic, ne? Ale proste neco nasli...:)...ale Čipování PS3? no, nevim...Aby to pak nedopadlo jako s PSP...hry na *****

to by sony nedovolila, jelikoz je vyvoj PS3 stal balik. Jedine co by se stalo by bylo to, že veškeré licence na vyrobu her k PS3 by stály min a samozhřejmě i sami distributori by nemeli takove premrstene ceny PS3 her. PS2 je taky ocipovanej a kolik je na to her, tohodle bych se skutecne nebal.

  • 4 weeks later...

nové info:

View Post

Yes it is real, yes I know how it has been done, No it is NOT convenient to use at all.

Finally it only works with a few games, it can easely be fixed by sony in any future firmware update, and of course it wont allow anyone to run any kind of unsigned code.

takže...funkčnost potvrdil Mathieulh )kdo neví kdo to je...spolupracuje s DA na CFW pro PSP ;)) ...ale ...funguje jen pár her a Sony to může jednoduše opravit v jakékoliv další aktualizaci FW. Navíc tato metoda neumožňuje spustit "nepodepsaný" SW, takže žádné HB ..


další potvrzení funkčnosti

PS3 backups running.

StreetSkaterFU has discovered an interesting way of getting backups running under PS3. Read more here, and check the video here. (Yeah it's a bit dark, but that doesn't means (at least with this one) that is a fake video)

We can confirm that it's for real, although it's still under a Proof of Concept state.


další video..tentokrát funkční Motorstorm ISO online

New PS3 hacks backup video, proof it works online and Motorstorm

StreetskaterFU has published a second video of his PS3 backups hack to prove it works. In his words this video shows "proof works online and showing inserted disk is motorstorm as proxy disc. When i eject disc, game quits like normal."


  • 1 month later...

PS3 Flash ECC Algorithm Reversed!

Co si o tom myslite je to vsechno anglicky a nevim jestli si to prekladam spravne ale na neco prisli nejaka chyba v algoritmu takze snad uz by to melo jit hrat bud isa nebo palit na BD disk ale nevim spis nekdo se na to mrknete a napsite co si o tom myslite

  • 3 months later...

pořád nic.. ale objevila se zajímavá zpráva o úniku tzv. Jig Souborů = soubory ze serisního módu PS3 ... pořád se ale neví jakým způsobem se PS3 do servisního módu dostává takže z toho zatím nic nebude ...

PS3 Service Mode JIG Files Leaked!

With all the service mode talk, and attempts how to get the PS3 into this mode, a unnamed hacker recently leaked the PS3 JIG Setup files.

The setup folder is actually pretty useless without the proper related software but nevertheless its something new and gives us another opportunity to better understand the PS3.

Break down of what each file is:

Lv2diag.self: crashes on a Debug console, likely used for lv2 diagnostics.

PS3UPDAT.PUP: a very tiny updater PUP, enough for just a 'base' system. It doesn't run on any system the resident PS3 Devs currently have access to.

UPDATER_LOG.TXT: simply a service mode updater log.

Below is a example of a JIG-OS Updater process log file, created by installing a special PUP file with service tools (used by Sony Repair stations).

manufacturing updating start
   PackageName = /dev_usb000/PS3UPDAT.PUP
   settle polling interval success
   vflash is disabled...
   boot from nand flash...
   creating flash regions...
   create storage region: (region id = 2)
   format partition: (region_id = 2, CELL_FS_IOS:BUILTIN_FLSH1, CELL_FS_FAT)
   create storage region: (region id = 3)
   format partition: (region_id = 3, CELL_FS_IOS:BUILTIN_FLSH2, CELL_FS_FAT)
   create storage region: (region id = 4)
   format partition: (region_id = 4, CELL_FS_IOS:BUILTIN_FLSH3, CELL_FS_FAT)
   create storage region: (region id = 5)
   create storage region: (region id = 6)
   taking a while...
   start Updating Proccess
   Initialize elapsed time = 6 msec
   check UPL
   Check UPL elapsed time = 29 msec
   check Package Size
   get package size elapsed time = 8 msec
   start Updating Package
   Update packages num = 3
   Update packages total size = 5188208
   Update Package Revoke list
   read package revoke list package (608 bytes) elapsed = 2 msec
   update package revoke list elapsed = 321 msec
   Update Package Revoke list done(0x8002f000)
   Update Core OS Package
   read core os package (5186896 bytes) elapsed = 358 msec
   update core os package elapsed = 1883 msec
   Update Core OS Package done(0x8002f000)
   Update VSH Package
   Update VSH Package done(0x8002f000)
   Bul-ray Disc Player Revoke
   Bul-ray Disc Player Revoke done(0x8002f000)
   Update Program Revoke list
   read program revoke list package (704 bytes) elapsed = 3 msec
   update program revoke list elapsed = 319 msec
   Update Program Revoke list done(0x8002f000)
   move_2block_status_into_the_region(): region id = 3
   rewrite_region() region id = 0x3, start_lba = 0x0, end_lba = 0x4000
   rewrite region done (ret = 0x8002f000)
   rewrite region elapsed time = 1218 msec
   touch_1st_sector_in_block() region id = 0x3, start_lba = 0x0, end_lba = 0x4000
   touch_1st_sector() done (ret = 0x8002f000)
   touch_1st_sector() elapsed time = 1324 msec
   rewrite_region() region id = 0x3, start_lba = 0x0, end_lba = 0x4000
   rewrite region done (ret = 0x8002f000)
   rewrite region elapsed time = 1219 msec
   Update BD firmware
   Update BD firmware done(0x8002f000)
   Update Multi-Card controller firmware
   Update Multi-Card controller firmware done(0x8002f000)
   Update BlueTooth firmware
   Update BlueTooth firmware done(0x8002f000)
   Update System controller firmware
   Update System controller firmware done(0x8002f000)
   update package elapsed time = 6667 msec
   post processiong...
   post processiong done
   cleanup update stat unlike other websites, we will not be providing a download link to them.us (ret = 0)
   /dev_flash/vsh/etc/version.txt not found.
   manufacturing updating SUCCESS(0x8002f000)
   set product mode (ret = 0)
   Total Elapsed time = 8288 msec

Unfortunately the JIG files are obviously illegal so we will not be providing a download link to the files.

  • 2 weeks later...
PS2 Backups running on PS3 via HDD! (USBADVANCE)

It has been a long time since anyone has heard of booting any kind of ISO from the PS3, but hacker by the name of ifcaro has released his version of PS3 USBADVANCE which allows us to boot PS2 games on PS3 via HDD!


His version currently only works on Japanese models but a PAL version is expected to be released soon. PS3 USBADVANCE has been confirmed to be working on the latest PS3 firmware and is available for immediate download.

The program requires the use of Swap Magic to load the ELF file and can be downloaded below (If anyone wants to make a step by step tutorial feel free to post it in the tutorials section and I will link it here):

funguje zatím jen na japonských konzolích, je potřeba swap magic, verze pro PAL konzole by měla přijít brzo

Toto téma je nyní uzavřeno, a proto není možné odpovídat.

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