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Prevod Savu



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Uvedu to na prikladu pro Final Fantasy, ale imho by to melo fungovat pro vsechny hry.

Takze hral sem Finala na verzi SLUS00892, na ktery jsem mel samozrejme ulozeny i savy a potreboval jsem je dostat na verzi SLPS02180.

Jednoduse jsem spustil hru pod verzi SLPS02180 (nebo jakoukoliv na jakou verzi hry, na ktery ty savy chcete), cimz se mi na karte vytvorila slozka s timahle savama. Potom jsem do ni prehral soubory SCEVMC0.VMP a SCEVMC1.VMP a jelo to.

Pokud to nechcete zkomoleně jak jsem to napsal ja, tak tady to mate primo od zrdoje.

I'll use FFVIII's 2 game ID's as an example, but you could use this method for(I believe) any game. First, create the perfect version and start it up. Wait until it goes to the Square logo at least, then exit the game(basically, that means start up the game you have with the new ID you want, and then exit it. This allows the savefolder to be created with the other necessary files). Now, go onto your memory stick, and go to SAVEDATA. Take these two files(SCEVMC0.VMP and SCEVMC1.VMP) out of your SLUS00892 folder(which contains the save of the freeze version you've been using) by copying them into the newly formed SLPS02180 save folder. Then, start the no-freeze/lag version, and you're set.

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