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Little Big Planet


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Platformy: Playstation 3

Datum vydání: 28. říjen 2008

Odkazy: Gamespot, IGN, Gametrailers, Oficiální stránka hry

Recenze: http://konzolista.cz/recenze/littlebigplanet_61.html

už se těšíte ? opravdu jedna z nejoriginálnějších her co jsem viděl :)..datum vydání by mělo být někdy koncem října 2008 :)

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Jo jo za takovýdle hry bych dal spoustu prachů protože už teď vim že mě to bude dlouho bavit:D nejdřív to dohrát to zabere nějakej čas, pak udělat trofeje taky, a pak samozřejmě se vyřádit v editoru co podporuje vlastní obrázky, playstation Eye a bůhví co ještě:D btw viděli ste tu konferenci Sony na E3? jak je tam provázel a tam takový grafy a všechno:d link here:

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LittleBigPlanet pre-order items revealed

SCEA has revealed the pre-order items that will be available with pre-orders of Little Big Planet. They did not reveal which retailer will have what pre-order item but it will be a choice from: The Official “LittleBigPlanet Creator” MiniGuide by Brady Games, LittleBigStickerBook (sticker book contains some of our favorite LBP imagery for you to apply your own ‘mash-up’ to your favorite possessions), LittleBigPouch (to put your game in), downloadable Nariko SackGirl costume and downloadable Kratos SackBoy. EU pre-order announcements should follow shortly. The marketing team also revealed that Krato’s backwards blades will be fixed, we should look out for future issues of Qore for a LBP theme and made it clear that the game will be on Blu-ray disc only.

From US Playstation Blog:

We’ve been working with our North American retailers to promote the release of LittleBigPlanet in October 2008. And now that the “planning dust” has settled, we wanted to share early details of our pre-order campaign for you to decide which item you’d like. Stay tuned for much more detail on which retailer will have what pre-order item and when to go to your favorite retailer to reserve your copy.

Here’s the master list:

The Official “LittleBigPlanet Creator” MiniGuide by Brady Games - This exclusive digital guide is a primer for LittleBIGPlanet’s CREATE tools and provides users with a quick tutorial to begin developing their own levels.”


LittleBigStickerBook - For those of you who love to customize - this item is for you! This exclusive sticker book contains some of our favorite LBP imagery for you to apply your own ‘mash-up’ to your favorite possessions. Or take something else you own and make it your favorite!


LittleBigPouch - Keep your LBP game safe and protected from the elements with this exclusive burlap pouch. Its so unique and stylish, it would make a SackMother proud.


Exclusive Nariko SackGirl - SackBoy’s beware! Nariko SackGirl has been known to keep other SackBoys (and SackGirls) in check. This exclusive downloadable costume features our favorite heroine on the PS3.


Exclusive Kratos SackBoy - Nuff’ said. Yes…the forum rumors were true - but the biggest question remains “why didn’t this guy smile?” Seriously, this is another exclusive downloadable costume that will elevate your SackBoy status to godlike proportions.


Keep an eye out for more LittleBigNews in a few days…

News Source: blog.us.playstation.com/


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Toto sa oplati pozriet :) ake emocie dokazete zrobit na tej postavice :P


Fest sa mi paci ovladanie celej postavicky, ci ruk, ci hlavy alebo emocie proste neskutocne sa tesim na tu hru..jedine co mi na nej vadi je to, ze vyjde az na 2 mesiace :(

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Tak. Vrátil jsem se z Games Convention v Lipsku a můžu říct, že LBP mě úplně uchvátila, koncentrovaná zábava a hra, u které jsme strávili suverénně nejvíc času. Paráda i pro jednoho hráče, ale coop multiplayer je tepve pořádná sranda. Hraje se to prostě výborně a podle mého je to jasná koupě a šmytec.

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