tekken90 Odesláno Říjen 13, 2008 Nahlásit Odesláno Říjen 13, 2008 všechny aktualizace FW ke stažení najdete zde (nové FW většinou do 1-2h od vydání) http://alek.dark-alex.org/filez/ps3_fw/ 2.53 PS3 firmware update v2.53 update due tomorrowOver at Playstation.com, it sates that "An update to the PS3 system software was released on November 26, 2008. You can use this update to upgrade your system software to version 2.53." We can see one clear change in that the internet browser now supports full screen mode for Adobe Flash Player content and support for Flash Player 9 has been added. 2.52 Some details on PS3 firmware v2.52Eric Lempel of Playstation has just updated the Official blog in order to indicate what PS3 firmware update v2.52 will bring with it. The new and upcoming minor update includes an improved playback quality of some PS3 format software and a fix with regards to a text entry issue that kicks in when using the on screen keyboard, USB or bluetooth keyboard. FW 2.50 - dnes byl potvrzen FW 2.50 a bud e mít následující novinky: # PS3 Bluetooth Headset support. Just as prediected last week. FW 2.50 introduces High-Quality mode for online voice chatting. The update also adds icons for battery status, volume level, and if HQ mode is active. # PlayStation Trophies interface enhancements. Comparing your Trophies with those your friends have collected is supposedly going to be easier. There's going to be a new "level symbol" that represents percentages of how much progress is needed to attain the next level. # Friend status. New timestamp for how long your friends have been online. # Scene Search feature in Video. Just like what the PSP got a few firmware updates ago. # Redeem codes section in PlayStation Store. A new option to make PSN Cards and promo codes easier to access. # Power Save Settings for controller. Self explanatory. # Auto-shutdown for Background Downloading. Just as it says. # In-game Screenshots. Self explanatory. But as an added note, this feature will only be supported depending on the game you're playing. Full list of games supporting this to follow soon enough. 2.51 PS3 firmware v2.51 hits demo units firstReports indicate that PS3 firmware v2.51 has been released for demo units. A website which reports on this, notes that this could be due to the conflicts with the recovery menu and demo unit itself. quote: Usually PlayStation 3 Demonstration Firmware updates follow the Official Retail console updates. Strangely, this time PS3 Firmware 2.51 was released for the Demo unit first. Download: PS3 DEMO Firmware 2.51 (US) / PS3 DEMO Firmware 2.51 (EU) This could be a result of conflicts with the Recovery Menu and the Demonstration unit itself perhaps. BTW the password to unlock PlayStation 3 Firmware 2.5 Demo units is 6258. ;-) Download: PS3 DEMO Firmware 2.51 (US) http://dus01.ps3.update.playstation.net/update/ps3/image/shop/2008_1023_252d34d7cdd598ba95ad0fe5662bb60b/PS3UPDAT.PUP PS3 DEMO Firmware 2.51 (EU) http://deu01.ps3.update.playstation.net/update/ps3/image/shop/2008_1023_252d34d7cdd598ba95ad0fe5662bb60b/PS3UPDAT.PUP Citovat
metuj Odesláno Říjen 13, 2008 Nahlásit Odesláno Říjen 13, 2008 Takže podpora PS2 her ne? To je teda škoda:-( Citovat
.Den Odesláno Říjen 13, 2008 Nahlásit Odesláno Říjen 13, 2008 Tak treba power setting pro ovladace a auto shutdown se muze hodit. A i ty screenshoty koneckoncu. Citovat
tekken90 Odesláno Říjen 14, 2008 Autor Nahlásit Odesláno Říjen 14, 2008 Takže podpora PS2 her ne? To je teda škoda:-( snad se dokčáme v další aktualizaci .. jinak..další novinka je Flash Player verze 9 ve web prohlížeči Citovat
LOPO_X Odesláno Říjen 14, 2008 Nahlásit Odesláno Říjen 14, 2008 No teda nic moc cekal jsem vice hlavne prehravani mkv jinak misto screenu mohli dat nahravani videa Citovat
marek_2080 Odesláno Říjen 14, 2008 Nahlásit Odesláno Říjen 14, 2008 No teda nic moc cekal jsem vice hlavne prehravani mkv jinak misto screenu mohli dat nahravani videa Chces trochu moc, obavam se ze mkv podpory ani nahravani videa ze hry se nedockas. Ja jsem rad za Auto shutdown, nic jinyho mi snad ani nechybi :D Citovat
fufys Odesláno Říjen 15, 2008 Nahlásit Odesláno Říjen 15, 2008 Skvělá zpráva! http://blog.us.playstation.com/2008/10/14/firmware-50-demo-playstation-store-on-psp/ Podle tohoto bude nově PS3 browser obsahovat v 2.50 FW nový Flash player verze 9. Videa na playstation blogu pjdou zaručeně přehrát a youtube už snad taky nebude problém! Citovat
heksa Odesláno Říjen 15, 2008 Nahlásit Odesláno Říjen 15, 2008 tak us ho tam mam nainstalovanej a je super jeden z nejlepsich firmware co snad zatim vysel konecne vymodleny Flash 9, este by mohly konecne pridat stredoevropske kodovani Citovat
tekken90 Odesláno Říjen 15, 2008 Autor Nahlásit Odesláno Říjen 15, 2008 kdo nechce stahovat FW přes Update v PS3 tak zde: http://alek.dark-alex.org/filez/ps3_fw/ oficiální Changelog FW 2.50 PS3 system software update 2.50 includes DivX VOD support The Official UK Playstation site has posted up an article describing ALL the features included in PS3 system software update 2.50. It reveals that support for DivX VOD is included. [DivX® VOD Registration Code] has been added under [system Settings]. You must use this registration code to authenticate and register the PS3 system to be able to play video files that are compatible with the DivX® VOD (Video On Demand) service on your system. Find out what features are included in PS3 system software update 2.50. An update to the PS3 system software was released on October 15, 2008. If you update your PS3 system, the system software version will be 2.50 and the following features will be updated. In order to download PS3 system software version 2.50, you will need a minimum 140Mb of free space on either the PS3 Hard Disk Drive (System Update) or on removable storage media (PC Update). Main features in system software update version 2.50 * PlayStation®Network The account creation screens under [sign Up for PlayStation®Network] and the menus under [Account Management] have been redesigned. Other new or revised features in version 2.50 Users * You now have an option to set the PS3 system to turn off automatically after a background download or installation of content has been completed. This option is available when you are turning off the system under [users] > [Turn Off System] while content is being downloaded or installed. Settings * [bD/DVD Settings] has been renamed as [Video Settings]. * Under [Video Settings], the [Cinema Conversion] and [upscale] options have been renamed as [bD/DVD Cinema Conversion] and [bD/DVD Upscaler], respectively. * [sequential Playback] and [50 Hz Video Output] have been added as options under [Video Settings]. * [DivX® VOD Registration Code] has been added under [system Settings]. You must use this registration code to authenticate and register the PS3 system to be able to play video files that are compatible with the DivX® VOD (Video On Demand) service on your system. For details, visit divx.com/vod/ * [Power Save Settings] has been added as an option under Settings. To save power, the PS3 system and Wireless controllers can be set to turn off automatically after a certain period of inactivity. * Under [Accessory Settings] > [Audio Device Settings], the method for reconnecting Bluetooth® devices has been changed. * Under [Accessory Settings] > [Keyboard Type], you can now choose the following keyboard types: [German Keyboard (Switzerland)], [French Keyboard (Canada)] and [French Keyboard (Switzerland)]. * In the keyboard layout for [German Keyboard], the "Y" and "Z" keys have been switched and the "Q" and "A" keys have been switched. * Under [Printer Settings] > [Printer Selection], you can now select printers that support network connectivity. You can also select HP printers using the [HP] option. Music * You can now select one of nine volume output levels using the [Volume Control] setting on the control panel (or the mini-size control panel). * [Pause] has been added as an icon on the mini-size control panel. Video * You can now select one of nine volume output levels using the [Volume Control] setting on the control panel. * [scene Search] has been added as an option on the control panel. * You can now use the [Mosquito Noise Reduction] setting for video content that is saved on the hard disk or storage media. Use this setting to reduce mosquito noise that appears on the edges of visual images. * During BD (BDAV) and DVD playback, a technique known as “chroma upsampling” is now automatically selected based on the movement of objects within the video content and then applied to enhance images in the content. Game * [sync with Server] has been added as an option under [Trophy Collection]. * By pressing the PS button while playing PLAYSTATION 3 format software, you can now view information from the [settings and Connection Status List] option under [Network Settings].* * This feature is not available for use with some PLAYSTATION 3 format software. Network * Support for Adobe® Flash® Player 9 has been added to [internet Browser].* * “Adobe” and “Flash” are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. PlayStation®Network * The way to disable the automatic sign-in option and the way to sign out from PlayStation®Network have been changed. * In PlayStation®Store, the design of the [View Downloads] and [View Cart] buttons has been changed, and a [Redeem Codes] button has been added. Note: * This system software update includes all features contained in previous versions. * The new system software will preserve any settings previously made to the PLAYSTATION 3. * Depending on the software title, you may not be able to play without first updating the PS3 system software. * Do not perform updates using any data other than the official update data provided by Sony Computer Entertainment over a network or on disc media, and do not perform updates by methods other than those described in the product documentation or in this site. If an update is performed using data from another source, by another method, or with a PS3 system that has been altered or modified in any way, the PS3 system may not operate properly and may not be able to install the official update data. Any of these actions may void the PS3 system warranty and affect your ability to obtain warranty services and repair services from Sony Computer Entertainment. Citovat
MAMUTH Odesláno Říjen 15, 2008 Nahlásit Odesláno Říjen 15, 2008 dneska rano jsem updatoval...jenom doufam ze ted pujde prehravat video na gametrailers :D Citovat
LOPO_X Odesláno Říjen 15, 2008 Nahlásit Odesláno Říjen 15, 2008 Nevite jsetli tam uz vyresily ten problem s registraci platebnich karet? Citovat
Midnight Odesláno Říjen 15, 2008 Nahlásit Odesláno Říjen 15, 2008 boha Tak Ten Novy Fw Zas Posrali... Secky Videoklipy Ktore Mam V Ps3 Mi Idu Ciernobielo ... Secky Secky.. Je Ich Asi 90 Boha. Citovat
metuj Odesláno Říjen 16, 2008 Nahlásit Odesláno Říjen 16, 2008 Tak jsem sice vetsinou pozitivni ke vsem novym FW, ale musim se pridat k nazoru, ze tentokrat to opravdu bude chtit nejaky rychly opravny balicek:-( Tekkenovi vcera nesel net, kdyz ho pak spustil, tak se sam odpojoval, nezobrazovalo se mu video na youtube ... ja se divil, protoze me vsechno slo ... a pak se me behem nacitani (a pak i behem hrani) z BRDu PS3 asi tak ctyrikrat restartovala a pak me zatuhla tak dokonale, ze sla jen vypnout ze site. Mohla to samozrejme byt nahoda, ze mi PS3 zacala stavkovat asi tak dve hodky pote, co jsem nahral novy FW, ale moc tomu neverim. Citovat
rybak.d Odesláno Říjen 16, 2008 Nahlásit Odesláno Říjen 16, 2008 hmm, mě sice PS3 po updatu nezatuhlo, ale nešlo mi vypnout takových 5 minut. Dal jsem vypnout.... vypnulo se a po 2 vteřinách se zase zapnulo... takhle několikrát za sebou... Snad to rychle opraví.. Citovat
heksa Odesláno Říjen 16, 2008 Nahlásit Odesláno Říjen 16, 2008 tak ja nevim mam 40GB model a vsechno jede naprosto v poradku, videa, internet, nic netuhne, vsechno se vypina a zapina jak ma Citovat
marek_2080 Odesláno Říjen 16, 2008 Nahlásit Odesláno Říjen 16, 2008 tak ja nevim mam 40GB model a vsechno jede naprosto v poradku, videa, internet, nic netuhne, vsechno se vypina a zapina jak ma Taky nemam po updatu zadnej problem, vsechno jede jako pred updatem. To, jestli je to jen shoda nahod nebo nejaka chyba ve fw se dozvime po pripadnym vydanim opravnyho fw 2.51 (?) :D Citovat
MAMUTH Odesláno Říjen 16, 2008 Nahlásit Odesláno Říjen 16, 2008 no ja vcera updatoval, a pri demu GRIDu mi to zatuhlo tak, ze jsem musel konzoli vypnout natvrdo...ale tezko rict, stalo se to jen jednou a ps3 mam od pondelka, tak tezko rict jestli se to proste stava, nebo to bylo novym fw. Citovat
Hojas86 Odesláno Říjen 16, 2008 Nahlásit Odesláno Říjen 16, 2008 by melo zajimalo jak poridim ten screen ze hry Citovat
.Den Odesláno Říjen 16, 2008 Nahlásit Odesláno Říjen 16, 2008 Hojas86: Zatim nijak, protoze zadna hra to nepodporuje... Citovat
Jonny1619 Odesláno Říjen 16, 2008 Nahlásit Odesláno Říjen 16, 2008 Jojo přidávám se k těm, kterým se stav jejich ps3 spíš zhoršil než nějak upgradoval. Stejně jako Midnightovi mi jdou videa pouze černobíle:(. Zkoušel sem změnit nastavení ve videu a všude možně, ale prostě nic. Na druhou stranu mi nejdou jenom některé - mp4 (AVC)...divx a avi šlo pořád stejně dobře jako předtím. Když otevřu prohlížeč a chci zadat adresu nebo nějaké jiné údaje, tak se mi to okno se zadáváním písmen a znaků naprosto zasekne a pohybuji se pouze na stránce za oknem. To znamená, že pomůže jedině podržet PS button a vypnout celé PS3. To se pak vypíná podezřele dlouho a ke konci třikrát pípne. Ten timer je určitě dobrá věc, ale za ty chyby, které mi to přineslo to nestojí. Doufám , že brzo vydají ten opravný fw;) Citovat
†mefistos† Odesláno Říjen 27, 2008 Nahlásit Odesláno Říjen 27, 2008 no ja me teda po updatu vsechny videa jedou cernobile bohuzel.. jinak vse jede v pohode Citovat
andre.11 Odesláno Říjen 27, 2008 Nahlásit Odesláno Říjen 27, 2008 u me taky 2.50 zatim uplne v pohode...no problema Citovat
tekken90 Odesláno Říjen 27, 2008 Autor Nahlásit Odesláno Říjen 27, 2008 PS3 firmware v2.51 hits demo units firstReports indicate that PS3 firmware v2.51 has been released for demo units. A website which reports on this, notes that this could be due to the conflicts with the recovery menu and demo unit itself. quote: Usually PlayStation 3 Demonstration Firmware updates follow the Official Retail console updates. Strangely, this time PS3 Firmware 2.51 was released for the Demo unit first. Download: PS3 DEMO Firmware 2.51 (US) / PS3 DEMO Firmware 2.51 (EU) This could be a result of conflicts with the Recovery Menu and the Demonstration unit itself perhaps. BTW the password to unlock PlayStation 3 Firmware 2.5 Demo units is 6258. ;-) Download: PS3 DEMO Firmware 2.51 (US) http://dus01.ps3.update.playstation.net/update/ps3/image/shop/2008_1023_252d34d7cdd598ba95ad0fe5662bb60b/PS3UPDAT.PUP PS3 DEMO Firmware 2.51 (EU) http://deu01.ps3.update.playstation.net/update/ps3/image/shop/2008_1023_252d34d7cdd598ba95ad0fe5662bb60b/PS3UPDAT.PUP Citovat
Castor Odesláno Říjen 28, 2008 Nahlásit Odesláno Říjen 28, 2008 Download:PS3 DEMO Firmware 2.51 (US) http://dus01.ps3.update.playstation.net/update/ps3/image/shop/2008_1023_252d34d7cdd598ba95ad0fe5662bb60b/PS3UPDAT.PUP PS3 DEMO Firmware 2.51 (EU) http://deu01.ps3.update.playstation.net/update/ps3/image/shop/2008_1023_252d34d7cdd598ba95ad0fe5662bb60b/PS3UPDAT.PUP A copak to asi umí? Citovat
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