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Bloody Peleliu

Completed 'Little Resistance' on Veteran difficulty.

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Weapon of Mass Destruction

You called in a naval bombardment that took out at least 4 Japanese soldiers.

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Get Your Hands Dirty

Completed 'Semper Fi' on Veteran difficulty.

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Made due with only the bare essentials: a regulation M2.

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Grave Robber

Successfully collected all Death Cards.

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War Hero

Completed the game on any difficulty and won on all fronts.

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Stabbed in the Heart

Took the fight deep into the Fatherland.

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The Last Stand

Defeated the Japanese on their own soil in Okinawa.

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Your usage of improvised mortars devasted the enemy.

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Stormed Peleliu

Took the fight directly to the Japanese on the island of Peleliu.

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Snake in the Grass

Took out a Japanese soldier camouflaged and hiding in the grass.

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No Safe Place

With the flamethrower, you've shown the enemy that no hiding place is safe.

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Close Shave

Encountered a Banzai attack and lived to tell the tale.

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Carlson's Raiders

Surprised the Japanese with a daring raid of the Makin Atoll.

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Saved Private Ryan

Saved a soldier from a terrible death.

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Get Your Right Foot Wet

Got online, met some people, and kicked butt in a Competitive Co-Op game session.

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The Sword Is Broken

Complete 'Hard Landing' on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only)

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Complete 'Vendetta' on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only)

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The Professional

Shoot all of Amsel's henchmen, including their attack dog, without reloading. (Solo only)

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Assassinate General Amsel with a pistol shot. (Solo only)

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The Hammer Strikes

Complete 'Their Land, Their Blood' on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only)

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Scorched Earth

Complete 'Burn`em Out' on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only)

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Complete 'Relentless' on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only)

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Hell on Wheels

Complete 'Blood and Iron' on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only)

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Iron Fist

Destroy all towers and bunkers in 'Blood and Iron'. (Solo or co-op)

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No Return

Complete 'Ring of Steel' on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only)

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Kill 15 enemies while mounted on a tank in 'Ring of Steel'. (Solo or co-op)

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When It Rains, It Pours

Complete 'Eviction' on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only)

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Shot in the Dark

Kill 10 enemies while the lights are out in the subway in 'Eviction'. (Solo or co-op)

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One Bad Gato

Complete 'Black Cats' on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only)

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The Sum of All Zeros

Down 45 Japanese Zeros in 'Black Cats'. (Solo only)

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Lights Out!

In 'Black Cats', blast out all of the spot lights in the Japanese cargo convoy. (Solo only)

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Blowtorch & Corkscrew

Complete 'Blowtorch & Corkscrew' on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only)

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Setting of the Sun

Complete 'Breaking Point' on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only)

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Guardian Angel

In the final battle for Okinawa, save Sergeant Roebuck. (Solo or co-op)

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For the Motherland

Complete 'Heart of the Reich' on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only)

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Bearing the Burden

Complete 'Downfall' on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only)

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Rough Economy

Kill 3 enemies with a single bullet. (Solo or co-op)

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Complete any level on Regular difficulty or higher using only melee and grenades. (Solo only)

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Throw a Six and a Half

On Hardened or Veteran difficulty, complete a level without dying. (Solo only)

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Purple Heart

When staring into the face of adversity, show courage and persevere.

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Hardened War Hero

Complete the game on Hardened or Veteran difficulty. (Solo only)

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Get Your Left Foot Wet

Complete a match in Campaign Co-Op mode over Xbox LIVE. (Online co-op only)

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Blue Ribbon

Complete a 4-player Competitive Co-Op match in 1st place over Xbox LIVE. (Online co-op only)

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Tady je máš all .Stačilo by se ale podívat když zapínáš hru na achviementy a nemusíš to jsem plest zbytečný topic

  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
a nejde to ani kdybys si chtěl za to vysolit těch 800MS protože to jde stáhnout pouze v americe

bow wow,to si delas kozy ne - to mi nerikej ze chach ten map pack jde stahnout enem v americe,pac to je podle me bullshit ... :blink:

A rek bych ze by to mozna "ilegalne" jit mohlo pac sem tady nekde videl ze de stahnout ten Lost And Damned datac k GTA ;)

bow wow,to si delas kozy ne - to mi nerikej ze chach ten map pack jde stahnout enem v americe,pac to je podle me bullshit ... :blink:

A rek bych ze by to mozna "ilegalne" jit mohlo pac sem tady nekde videl ze de stahnout ten Lost And Damned datac k GTA ;)

stahnout to prste nejde veci z xblm jsou vazany na profil hrace.. a navic to gta LaD stejnak nefungoval kdyz si ho stahnul ilegalne.. ani podle toho navodu..

  • 2 months later...

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