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Minimum required to install it:

-A PSP with a Custom Firmware 3.52 M33-3 or higher.

Installing from other Custom Firmwares 5.02 Unofficial is not possible. In this case, you need a firmware downgrader to lower the 3.95GEN or M33 then install the 5.02 GEN-A

What's new in the program?

-The functions standby reset pandora have been added to Recovery

-The VSH Recovery can now be opened with an option from the menu VSH

-The plug-in Bubbletune to classify games according to category was included

-The patch Slim Colors Bubbletunes has been integrated. This uses the colors of the PSP Slim with a PSP Fat. It is an option to activate in the recovery and there will add to the 13-27.bmp file in flash0 so that it works.

-Improved compatibility with homebrews compared with other custom firmware 5.02.

-The pops is functional (emulation of PS1 games to work)

-Custom Firmware 5.02 GEN-A will be available in two versions: a full and lite. The latter will be used homebews but does not support the launch of ISO and PS1 games. This saves 70K in flash0. The full version, it will all use normally. -The add-on 1.50 will be available for the PSP Fat.

-The last popsloader of Dark_Alex is compatible with the Custom Firmware 5.02 GEN.

-A version of CXMB is proposed in the release. However update the themes to make them compatible. We preferred to do ourselves because Poison does not seem to want to do for us (for 3.95 GEN was the case)

-Localization (translation) of recovery is available in English, French and Spanish.

-It is possible to leave the recovery quickly by pressing the select button

-The use of categories (default) is now optional through the recovery

-[sLIM] It is possible to reboot the console with the official firmware 5.02. It will switch off / turn the console back to Custom firmware. This option will be added later to the PSP

download: http://www.sendspace.com/file/44mkwj

celkem zbytečnost :dozey:

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