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Tak to vypadá, že všichni, kdo mají flashnutý Xbox360 a používají ixteme fimrware libovolné verze, budou muset časem přejít na novou, teprve chystanou, verzi ixtreme, jinak si některé nové hry nezahrají. Zatím objeveno u her Major League BaseBall 2K9 a HAWX


<@> new games are coming out with the nxe update on the disc

<@> and the only place microsoft could put it was in the video partition

<@> now, old firmwares and games didnt always have a video partition, so when ixtreme was made, they got it to check the video partition

<@> and if its crc didnt match wave 1 or wave 2, then the game wouldnt boot

<@> now, this is wave 3, so ixtreme wont boot new games

<@> if you need to boot the game, then flash to xtreme or non-stealth firmware

<@> or wait for 1.6

04:36 • Joined #fw

04:36 • Set by [X]nWo[X]!Notorious@always.smoking-cannib.us on [Monday, March 2nd 2009, 04:31:45]

04:36 MTW • lol

04:36 +c4eva • finishing hitachi 1.5 this week, then 1.6 for all drives!

04:36 OZiE • lol

04:36 @[X]nWo[X] • there we go

04:37 @[X]nWo[X] • smile.gif

04:37 @[X]nWo[X] • tx c4

04:38 +c4eva • 1.6 will have 0800 dumping for all drives including hitachi along with new video partition support!

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0800 firmware is modded firmware where you can rip games using the drive itself. Like you can rip games using a Samsung.

Jsem na to celkem zvedavy, jake zmeny 1.6 prinese.

od quicksilvera: http://digital-forums.com/showthread.php?t=438446

celkem zajimave, vypadato, ze nakonec budou muset vsici, co budou chtit hrat nove hry, nechat flashnout na 1.6

to není moc dobrý to jsou zase další peníze kdybych s tím flashem chvíly počkám tak jsem bez problémů, na konec zjistím, že půjde vyčíst firmware i z lite onky a kupoval jsem si mechaniku úplně na ho*no

Neboj, nepujde :(, to uz z principu, ze je tam lockla pamet.

EDIT: Takze bohuzel je to tady, uz se na xbox sky objevil prvni release Toms. Cl. HAWX a MLB2k9 ktery je na iXtreme 1.6. Resident by tuto ochranu mit nemel, uz ho stahuji, a neni tam o tom ani zminka.

Pro ty, co se ptaji, kdy vyjde iX 1.6, tak jsem cetl, ze snad by mel tento tyden vyjit.

Pro ty, co uz se nemuzete dockat a chcete tyto hry hrat, je jedina moznost pouzit non-stealth firmware, coz ale kvuli banu nedoporuciji.

EDIT2: podle release HAWX by mel vyjit 1.6 jeste dnes

Non-stealth firmware? Mužes to upřesnit? ja na mam xbox porad v offline rezimu takze to znamena ze s 1.5 iExtreme si muzu zahrat ale bez stelthu ? Dik za upresneni. Pokud budu podrad offline zahraju si?

nejak to nechapu kdyz budes porad offline tak si online nezahrajes a kdyz budes online tak si zahrajes i online i offline ale muzes dostat ban a zase muzes hrat jenom offline jako hrajes ted takže v podstate to tobe muze byt uplne jedno :)

a na offline s FW1.5 muzes hrat bez stealth porad to muzes hrat i na FW 1.3 bez stealth pokud se vubec nepripojujes na net

jinak k dotazu pokud mas Fw 1.5 tak muzem mit hry i bez stealth a hrat online ale malo kdy narazis na hru ktera by ten steahl nemela v sobe

Ano, presne tak jsem to myslel, jestli si s 1.5 fw zahraju cokoli v offline rezimu

nezahrajes, ixtreme FW nebootnou hry bez stealthu ci jinak nezabezpecene, mechanice je jedno jestli si online nebo offline, pokud jsi jen offline a neresis budouci potencionalni ban, tak stary xtreme fw bootne cokoliv temer

nezahrajes si ani nove hry z wave 3 protoze ixtreme FW provadi pred bootem hry ruzne checky, aby te ochranil pred spustenim nezabezpecene hry a protoze video partition z wave 3 nezna musis flash na 1.6 popr. stary xtreme

Non-stealth firmware? Mužes to upřesnit? ja na mam xbox porad v offline rezimu takze to znamena ze s 1.5 iExtreme si muzu zahrat ale bez stelthu ? Dik za upresneni. Pokud budu podrad offline zahraju si?

Musis mit non stealth firmware, nikoli hru.

<@KarateBob> new games are coming out with the nxe update on the disc

<@KarateBob> and the only place microsoft could put it was in the video partition

<@KarateBob> now, old firmwares and games didnt always have a video partition, so when ixtreme was made, they got it to check the video partition

<@KarateBob> and if its crc didnt match wave 1 or wave 2, then the game wouldnt boot

<@KarateBob> now, this is wave 3, so ixtreme wont boot new games

<@KarateBob> if you need to boot the game, then wait for 1.6, or use a non-stealth firmware.

<@KarateBob> such as Benq_iXtreme_1.41_Rev_2_Non-Stealth_Multispeed.rar, C4EVA_XTRM-HITACHI_v2_4_Stealth.rar (im not sure if that works on 78/79) or xtreme53.rar in the xbins directory: /XBOX 360/firmware/hacked firmware/Toshiba-Samsung TS-H943/_old/

<@KarateBob> Sorry, there is no non-stealth firmware for Lite-On

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