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  • 4 weeks later...

FW 1.6 vyjde 14. května

iXtreme Firmware v1.6 dated

Reports indicated that the new iXtreme firmware v1.6 will be gracing the Xbox 360's of hackers worldwide as of 14th May 2009. This date is significant as its three years on since the original hacked firmware was released.

Here is the original xboxhacker thread where commodore4eva first made himself a very well known public figure. It was the initial 1.0 release for iXtreme xbox360 firmwares. To celebrate the 3 year anniversary of the first release, we will be releasing Liteon, BenQ, and Samsung versions of xbox360 iXtreme firmware replacement. As usual, Hitachi always comes last. Incase you are all wondering why Hitachi comes last, it is because that drive takes roughly 10 times longer to create the firmware for, due to so many different versions of the drive.

For those who wont or did not read the xboxhacker thread above, the official release date is set for May 14th, 2009.

romeno : projeto translatorem :


  • 3 weeks later...

-Strict Wave 3 compliance! hybrid (modified disks) will not boot!

-Strict Wave 3 compliance means wave 3 games will only boot if they have correct PFI/DMI/SS and timestamp for wave 3

Pochopil sem správně že že upravené DVD ppf-o-matic3 proste nerozjedu na 1.6?

Tim mě trošku zhatily plány, těch xx her co sem si upravil marně čekajíc na 1.6 mě sou ted na nic :( ............ mno jo nedá se svítit.

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