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*IPadresa ktera je na NDS se kříží s ostatním zařízením v síti

*Může být chyba v DNS

*Ověř šifrování v routeru (jak říkal Anony NDS podporuje jen WEP)

*Zkus resetovat router

na Nintendowifi.com píšou:

* Check Nintendo's router info for special notes, if available, for your router.

1. Click here to go to our Wireless Router Configuration page.

2. Use the drop-down box on the left to select, if available, your router manufacturer.

3. Click on your router's model number, if available.

4. Read any "special notes" at the top of the router's page. Many issues can be solved by changing settings described in the "special notes."

* If the router is not listed on our pages, or has no suggested basic rate and transmission rate changes, log into the router, and check likely areas for the basic rate and transmission rate. (e.g., "Wireless Settings," "Advanced Wireless Settings," "Connection Rates") Change the basic rate to "1-2." Change the transmission rate to "2." (Make the change even if only one of those options is available). Test the connection.

* Another device may be sharing the same I.P. address of the DS. Try manually assigning an IP address to your Nintendo DS.

1. The first thing you'll need to do is find out the range of IP addresses you should be using. To do this:

1. Click the "Start" button in the lower left-hand corner of your computer.

2. Click "Run."

3. Type "cmd" into the box and press Enter.

4. Type "IPCONFIG/ALL" and press Enter. The IP address of the PC will be displayed.

5. The IP address you are going to assign to the Nintendo DS must be 10 digits higher than the PC's. (e.g., becomes

6. Enter in the exact same values for your Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, Primary DNS and Secondary DNS.

2. You will now need to manually assign this new IP address to your Nintendo DS. For step-by-step instructions on how to do this, please click here.

* Ensure you have entered the correct DNS into the DS's manual settings. You can verify this by using the steps listed directly above (IPCONFIG/ALL).

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