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3.40 Open Edition REvision A

Installation instructions:

- Copy oeupdmaker and oeupdmaker% to /PSP/GAME if you are in 1.50, or to /PSP/GAME150 if you 
 are in any SE/OE version. Get the 1.50 and 3.40 Sony updaters (of any region, because all are 
 currently the same), and copy them in the oeupdmaker directory with the names 150.PBP and 340.PBP.

 Execute the program, and it will generate the DATA.DXAR file. The checksums (althoug the flasher
 will check for them for you):

 CRC32: CDA4638D
 MD5:   9754F2CC0CBE2D8FE0DD009C90FDCD9F
 SHA1:  6F76BB67B31EFF6FECB72D9D4AF443C793E1E521

- Copy 340oeflasher and 340oeflasher% to /PSP/GAME if you are in 1.50, or to /PSP/GAME150 if you 
 are in any SE/OE version. Move the DATA.DXAR to 340oeflasher directory. 

 You need 75% battery, although you can skip this if you pressed L+triangle while loading the program.

Changes 3.30 OE-A -> 3.40 OE-A

- Updated from 3.30 firmware to 3.40

- Security patch: Fixed a bug that has been in all 3.XX OE, that caused random data to be written to a location
 in lcdc.prx or (in worst case) emc_sm.prx ram space. 

- Autboot that is missing since 3.03 OE-C has been reimplemented.

- Improvements in the flasher. It will now generate also the flash1 directories, and it will 
 check that the dxar is the correct for this update, so no more bricks by accidentally using
 other DATA.DXAR.

Note about pops. I recommend people to backup their savedata before proceeding to change them
(Sony has changed the savedata format, and they force you to change the format in 3.40 if you want to play them).
If a plugin to load previous firmwares pops appear, the savedata will have to be in the old format for those firmwares,
that's why it is better to have a backup of them. Psx savedatas are in /PSP/SAVEDATA/[code of game]

Sponsored by http://www.pspgen.com/

>>Návod na easy install 3.40OE-A<<

3.40OE-A update download :

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