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Nova velice originalne vypadajici hra od From Software (Demon's Souls) - vypada uzasne! :cheesygrin: Podivejte se na video a screeny a pochopite.


Dalsi screeny zde: http://www.joystiq.com/photos/3d-dot-game-heroes-ps3/2222185/

Homepage: http://www.3d-heroes.net/

From Software's latest PS3 game takes 8-bit sprites and mostly updates them for the current generation, with amazing results. 3D Dot Game Heroes takes place in a classic RPG kingdom whose king, following the successful defeat of a demon lord, declares that the world should be 3D from now on. In the process, something goes wrong, though we don't know what yet, and solving that crisis is the basis of the gameplay.

We've captured the screens from the rotating display on the official website and subsequently have been staring at them all morning. The game's super high-resolution rendering of 3D pixel art is striking. There's even a tilt-shift effect on the images to make everything look miniature. 3D Dot Game Heroes will be out in Japan in November.

Nemuzu se dockat, co z toho nakonec vyleze. ^^

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