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Nejvíc přispívající

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Nejvíc přispívající

Kdyby jsi četl novinky tak nepišeš blbosti....

SONY ma v plánu prodávat PS2 titulky a Dreamcast tituly na PSN,takže pujde o softwarově emulované kousky přímo do HDD na playstation 3 (osobně se vice těším na ty Dreamcast věcičky) (stejně jako PS1 hry) proto tedy do konce podpory PS2 (konec 2010) porporu vlastních disku opravdu nečekej....

to bude paráda, kupovat svou oblíbenou ps2 hru 2x


Uplnej changelog zde

  • Added the ability to access some Facebook features from the XMB.
  • Added the option to automatically send updates to the user’s Facebook profile when Trophies are unlocked.
  • Added the option to automatically send updates to the user’s Facebook profile when items are downloaded from the PlayStation Store.
  • Added the option to automatically send updates to the user’s Facebook profile for in-game events (in compatible games).
  • The [Friends] list has been redesigned.
  • The user is now able to change the color of their [Profile].
  • Expanded [Photo] folders and playlists are now displayed in a grid, rather than a list.
  • Added RTVE, Antena 3 and LaSexta catch-up TV website shortcuts for users in Spain under [TV].
  • Added NOS catch-up TV website shortcut for users in the Netherlands under [TV].
  • Added AXN and Animax catch-up TV website shortcuts for users in Czech, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania and Slovakia under [TV].
  • Added TVNZ catch-up TV website shortcut for users in New Zealand under [TV].
  • Added [Facebook] menu item under [Account Management] allowing the user to change Facebook sharing and account settings.
  • Improved the performance of the Internet Browser.

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