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Installous - heslo při vstupu



16 odpovědí na tuto otázku

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TheMonkeysBall.com was a two-man team: Wyze and _____________.

Password : Scuzzy19

I have two Hackulous accounts: My main one, and one I made just for fun. Which is the latter?

Password : thepoet

(tohle mi fungovalo)

Who was the first person to start mass-cracking “self-aware” apps?

Password : Panik

I was part of the team that discovered how to crack apps. My name is xxxxxx-fr.

Password : iceman

I wrote this command-line app to take revenge on those trying to sell cracked apps.

Password : Grabulous

What parent company hosted TheMonkeysBall.com?

Password : OVH

ne všechny můžou fungovat! našel jsem je na netu všude možně

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Tu je to všetko .. nie moja práca .. stačí googliť ..

Question 1: Four lettrs. Who am I?

Réponse : Kyek

Question 2 : what did appulous start off as _.net

Réponse:  Geniusblog

Question 3 : The very first public forum dedicated specifically to [url="http://adv.edintorni.net/click/?mo=T&ky=ipod+iphone&af=20086&ct=fr&rf=http%3A%2F%2Fforum%2Diphone%2Dpro%2Eforumactif%2Ecom%2Fnews%2Diphone%2Df3%2Fnews%2Dmot%2Dde%2Dpasse%2Dpour%2Dinstallous%2Dt88%2Ehtm&re=&ts=1258732570156&hs=3be29fb3db3efdebb6a6339bae37568a"]iPhone[/url] 2.0 app cracking was hosted at __.com

Réponse: haklabs

Question 4 : Who is the cracker most credited with discovering the cracking method we use today?

Réponse: lsemtex

Question 5 : Who was the admit of Hackstore?

Réponse:  Labrat

Question 6 : Who wrote the very first autocracking BASH script?

Réponse: Flox

Question 7 : _______4fun

Réponse: B00sted

Question 8 : What was the name of the short-lived app on the Hackulo.us repo meant solely for refreshing your springboard cache? (R_ _ _ _ _ D)

Réponse: rebuild

Question 9  : Who wrote the app that defeated nearly all "crack-aware" apps, at the expense of not being able to sync them to iTunes?

Réponse: Flawless

Question 10 : Aside from Siddhow, who adminned endlessapps.net?

Réponse: meknowsnobody

Question 11 : TDDebug made AppScene.org what it is today. Who runs it now?
Réponse: pondeuce

Question 12 : I work for Apple's law firm and have been trying to get Appulous shut down since the beginning. I wish I was better at my job [img=http://illiweb.com/fa/i/smiles/icon_sad.gif]. What's my first and last name?

Réponse: Ian Ramage

Question 13 : I work for Apple's law firm and have been trying to get Appulous shut down since the beginning. I wish I was better at my job [img=http://illiweb.com/fa/i/smiles/icon_sad.gif]. What's Kyek's nickname for me?

Réponse: rammy

Question 14 : When Appulous was tiny, it ran on a VPS provided by _________________.com. (Rhymes with SnapsBoasting)


Question 15 :This domain name got popular when the site admin started bundling IPA files into torrents and advertised his website in them

Réponse: Pr0x.org

Question 16 : Who ran the most successful and largest IPA site before Appulous? (bigger than TMB)

Réponse: b00sted4fun

Question 17 : What was the name of the app written specifically for downloading and installing IPAs from the b00sted4fun repository, and who wrote it? Answer in the format "APPNAME by AUTHOR".


Question 18 :The Appulous test servers, on which new backend code and server configs are tested semi-publicly before moving to production, are provided by what company?

Réponse: amazon

Question 19 : What feature of PHP 5.3 does Appulous make the most use of in its database system?

Réponse : Late static binding

Question 20 : Who leaked the original Crackulous source code?

Réponse: cdecl

Question 21: To whom did SaladFork turn over the Crackulous project?

Réponse: `Angel

Question 22 : SaladFork is slightly ______________.

Réponse: forky

Question 23 : If the permissions are r-xrwxrwx, who can't write?

Réponse: owner

Question 24 :Who did Labrat attempt to con into writing a private Appulous clone for his website?

Réponse: ANDYDAM

Question 25 : Who was the first person to start mass-cracking "self-aware" apps? (Transmit your answer in unison, K?)

Réponse: panik

Question 26 : I was part of the team that discovered how to crack apps. My name is ________-fr.

Réponse: iceman

Question 27 : This on-phone IPA installer predates both Installous and AppScene. What is it?

Réponse: ipainstaller

Question 28 : I wrote this command-line app to take revenge on those trying to sell cracked apps.

Réponse: grabulous

Question 29 : What parent company hosted TheMonkeysBall.com?

Réponse: OVH

Question 30 : Who wrote the code that powered TheMonkeysBall.com?

Réponse: wyze

Question 31 : TheMonkeysBall.com was a two-man team: Wyze and _____________.

Réponse: Scuzzy19

Question 32 : I have two Hackulous accounts: My main one, and one I made just for fun. Which is the latter?

Réponce : THEPOET

Question 33: You ssh into your phone and need to make a symlink from "cow" to "chicken". Type the command. (Click here if you hate this)

Reponse: ln -s cow chicken

Question 34 : Convert this to ASCII: 0×20496c31497c4f306f272222272020. 
Réponse : (Space)Il1I|O0o'""'(Space)(Space) 

Question 35 : Before Genius' Hackulous tag said "Root Admin", what did it say? 
Réponse: President

Question 36 : My name used to be Omgwtf. Who am I now?
reponse : Saladfork

Question 37:This site made a bad knockoff of Appulous to try to get hits, but ended up getting DDoSed until they took it down. It’s ____________.com.


Question 38: I made a job listing on rent-a-coder for someone to make an Appulous knockoff for my site. Kyek accepted the job under another name and pwned me [img=http://illiweb.com/fa/i/smiles/icon_sad.gif]. But we’re cool now. Who am I?

Réponse : Pr0x

Question 39: They need to do way _________ mother.

Reponse: instain

Question 40:You're connected to our IRC server. To join our room, what would you type? 

Réponse : /join #chatulous

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mam prvni otazku toto, nikde jsem nenasel odpoved : Kyek modified a Greasemonkey plugin to allow you to see if an Appulous IPA link was dead before you clicked it. The original plugin was the ________ Links Checker

zkousel jsem tam uz snad vse

mam tu stejnou na nic sem neprisel...

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Navod jak zjistit heslo do appulo.us

Kliknete ZDE

Pote si nainstalujte ten plugin pro iternetovy prohlizec(napr Mozilla)

Po nainstalovani se Vam objevi novy Toolbar ve vasim prohlizeci

Uvidite "iPhone Trivia Answers",na to kliknete a zde bude napsano "answer"

a to si opiste ,to je odpoved na tu otazku..VZDY FUNGUJE!!


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