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Fake George Hotz - DO NOT Update

Ok guys, i decided to make this post, because some of you have decided to believe that George Hotz has said it is ok to update your PS3, the Hotz in question http://disqus.com/George_Hotz/ , this guy is masquerading a s George Hotz and is not to be beleived.

When ever the real George Hotz makes progress, he will post here http://geohotps3.blogspot.com/ he will make it a new subject, not post on a subject that is highly spammed or he will post here http://twitter.com/geohot

So you have read it here, the post claiming that you can update to 3.21 and still use the CFW, is fake and if you do update, you have no one to blame but yourself.

  • 3 weeks later...

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