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Vše od uživatele headhot

  1. 25 ks je tu jeste skladem a prave jsem poslal objednavku na brno 1 a 2,takze mozna neutres:) btw. radsi nechtejte vedet kolik stali xbox doopravdy:D pocitam ze to byli zbytky co se davali zdarma k notasum a tv
  2. v Turkmenistanu je strasne levny benzin,ale spotrebu rajcat google nenasel,pouze oliv:D a ona opravdu nema smysl,kdyz vsechno vykoupis, to je jeste prezentovat,ale je paradox,ze kdyz to jeden den nekontroluji mall,je takovych slev,ale stejne jsem diky nakoupenym collector´s edici poor,takze patri mi to:D Jinak predpokladam,ze brzy bude zase akce GT5 a RE3 jak klesne pocet skladem na 2 ci 3
  3. cena neni podezrela,proste mall se zbavi par ks a pak zase nekdy znova jako u gt5 to bylo snad 3x
  4. to jsem zvedavy odkud to budou objednavat,kdyz vsechny ks odjeli na prodejny, max. z jine prodejny
  5. jedna se o opravdu stare zasoby co MS vylistoval a my je levne koupili,proto ta cena, tak bud rad, i kdyz 4gb je ♥♥♥♥♥,ale vymena hdd je easy
  6. skladem bylo pouze par ks v nasem centralnim skladem, na obchode jsou za stejnou cenu,takze muzes koupit jeste tam
  7. ja to na firmu vzit nemohu:D
  8. taky jsem chtel preprodavat,ale trh bude nasycen, mozna zvlast,ale okolo toho bude hodne prace
  9. Zlicin,Cerny Most,Cestlice,Nove Butovice mas na vyber 4 v Praze. Bohuzel nedelam na prodejne,takze netusim jestli je to nejak omezeno.
  10. je to uvedeno presne, 600 ks pro vsechny electroworldy v CR a Sk
  11. headhot

    Assassin's Creed 3

    no vysli skoro vsechny bez tech edici s figurkama, co jsou tedka silene drahe na ebay,a tato edice ma figurku,takze obavy tady jsou. /assassin creed 2 collectors editon priklad/
  12. headhot

    Assassin's Creed 3

    zasadni problem je v tom,ze ubisoft nepotvrdil tu edici pro CR, xzone ma dodavatele mimo cr a pan schovanec vi co dela,takze nechci nic nechat nahode,ze bych tu edici nemel. Treba takovy ninja gaiden sigma 3 CE vysla treba na slovensku a u nas ne. Lepsi si to predobjednat a doufat. I kdyz 128 dolaru je docela palka
  13. viz muj prispevek nahore,je to 100%,ale musis si koupit na prodejne osobne
  14. Potvrzuji,ze je cena 4999,- je realna,skladem pro CR a SK je 600 ks (kinect je ke konzoli zdarma,jedna se o spec bundle.)
  15. headhot

    Assassin's Creed 3

    http://www.xzone.cz/nahledps3.php3?idg=752 extremne limitovana assassin creed 3, mozna uz ted je pozde co to pisi,si ji priobjednat
  16. tak to proverim u nakupcich, jestli to neni tiskova chyba, evidentne to smrdi pruserem;)
  17. cena (4999)opravdu takove nikdy nebude, protoze to je 800 kc pod nakupkou;) a prodelat na tom nikdo nechce, z poctu co jich prislo,by to byl prodelek 240k
  18. headhot

    Assassin's Creed Brotherhood MP

    tak udelat to muzem kdykoliv, snad se na to nespecha,online nevypnou:D
  19. headhot

    Assassin's Creed Brotherhood MP

    az prijdu z prace,tak se na to taky mrknu na video, vetsinu vyrazu znam,takze vim o co se jedna. Cas by mel byt 10 min,takze na nejaky pokus to muzem dat, sice ve 4 lidech je to lehci,ale to je jedno. Jinak Revelation trophy jsou fakt easy v multi:)
  20. headhot

    Assassin's Creed Brotherhood MP

    trophy Abstergo Employee of the Month All the bonuses can be boosted in private matches except for the end bonuses. (Thanks to Wagram for the notification) takze ve 4 hracich to jde udelat,ale bude se to muset udelat pro kazdeho zvlast a nebo dokonce pouze pro 3 a tri jsme:D How to Boost Extreme Variety with 3 people: MODE: ALLIANCE Player: 3 Gun/Poison: Only Gun Needed First kill: hide in a bush and have the other 2 players next to you. wait for focus before the kill. This will give you: (1) Silent (stay out of high profile mode near your target), (2) Focus (kill after waiting 3 seconds (the white bar fully circles the square above your target), (3) Hidden (kill while in a hiding spot), (4) First Blood (first kill in a session), (5) Savior (kill a target that is less than 10m away from their own target) and Variety (5 different bonuses performed). Now stand next to someone with the same skin as you and have your pursuer kill them.This will give you: (6) Lure (have your pursuer kill an innocent or decoy with the same skin as you) Second kill: Have whoever is being targeted by your target stun him, wait for him to be fully on the ground then kill him. this will give you: (7) Incognito (kill while always remaining silent) and (8) Grounded (kill a target on the ground) Now have whoever is targeting you start a chase and run away till you get escape (make sure they don't chase after you). this will give you: (9) Escape (escape a pursuer chasing you). (10) Close Call (while getting the Escape bonus, stay behind a wall, and your pursuer in the other side of the wall). Greater Variety (10 different bonuses). Third kill: Have your target climb and stand up on a ledge, hang down below them and kill. this will give you: (11) Drop Kill (kill a target by grabbing them from a ledge) Fourth kill: hang on a ledge and have your target walk underneath you and kill him (you will jump off the ledge when you press square you do not have to jump yourself) this will give you: (12) Acrobatic (kill from an acrobatic position). Fifth kill: have your target climb up on the ledge and lock on. have them jump as soon as they see you aiming the gun. This will give you : (13) Mid-Air (shoot your target with the hidden gun while they are in the air. Sixth kill: run up to your target and kill him before you start a chase. this will give you (14) Discreet (kill in discreet status). (15) Stun (stun your pursuer). Extreme Variety (15 bonuses) http://www.ps3trophies.org/forum/assassins-creed-brotherhood/79088-abstergo-employee-month-guide.html
  21. budou nejlepsi,az si nekdo koupi a ja budu mit velky zisk:D jenom origo zabalanea ma nejakou cenu
  22. ja figurky nerozdelavam,snad je pozdeji prodam draz v origo baleni,uz jsem z toho vyrostl,pouze hry sbiram
  23. jsem si zvolil ekonomickou postu za 98 kc a dovezla mi to ceska posta po 3 dnech od objednavky. I kdyz jsem to trosku urychlil u sveho pracovniho kontaktu:)
  24. headhot

    Uncharted 4?

    jen se bojim,aby to nedapadlo jako s crashem,kdyz naughty dog, sel delat na uncharted 1, a dost dobre vim,jaky crash byl na ps2
  25. headhot

    Uncharted 4?

    tak na uncharted 4 se tedka urcite nedela, vsichni pracuji na The Last of Us,vsichni vime,ze od teto hry se ocekava mnoho,takze nechteji zklamat fanousky. Je to stejny pripad,jako byl God of War 4
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