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General Information


Release Date...: 2011-10-11

Filename.......: Forza.Motorsport.4.Promo.Edition.PAL.XBOX360-iND

Type...........: GAME

Platform.......: Xbox 360

Region.........: pal


Game Info



The wheels keep spinning in one of the most acclaimed racing

simulation games available. Forza 4 increases the immersion with

compatibility with the Kinect motion control camera. Through the power

of Kinect, players will be able to step through the TV screen and jump

into the driver's seat while the engaging controller-based experience

will let you take on the bone-jarring physics, unparalleled levels of

customization, and rosters of dream cars and tracks. Offering gameplay

that will electrify racing fans and excite car lovers and novices

alike, the popular racing franchise returns.


Burning XGD3 Info With ImgBurn


1. Go to Tools > Settings

2. Go to Write tab and ensure Layer Break is set to Calculate Optimal

3. So on the startup screen again, press Write image file to disc

4. Choose your .dvd file in source and press Write

5. YouÆll get a message, choose Write Until end of disc (Truncate)

6. Follow the above steps and your disc should burn with no errors


Ripped With XBOX Backup Creator .345 with new 0800 V3 & dae.bin smile3.gif


z toho plyne, že by se to mělo prostě jenom vypálit a hotovo ne?

Well MS not being stupid, they saw the same news about 2.0 that we saw. they knew that the burned xgd3 would only burn to 97% and not contain the last couple 100 mb's of data. so the next big game to come out (forza 4) they changed up the integrity verification, and it now checks the last 3% of the disc. We obviously can't burn to that last 3%(yet, at least) and this is why it fails and most likely gives a flag.

I would highly suggest either going back to 1.91 completely, or not playing newer xgd3 discs at all until a new firmware is made.

Takže to vlastně momentálně nejde hrát.


asi těžko když to vyhazuje tu hlášku o neoriginálním disku

jde o toto.

''they knew that the burned xgd3 would only burn to 97% and not contain the last couple 100 mb's of data. so the next big game to come out (forza 4) they changed up the integrity verification, and it now checks the last 3% of the disc.''

Jinak i kdyby tak pro většinu lidí není ''normální'' hraní bez live


ok tak pak my vysvetli todle

Weird thing is, this PAL release seems to have no issues except for one SLIGHT bug in the auto vista mode, where 4 cars are randomly unlocked, even tho, in the retail release all the auto vista cars should be locked by default and upon trying the challenge for the glitched cars causes a DRE, but NO corrupt game errors, I've been playing for almost 7 hours now with no problem except the tiny auto vista one,


co ti mám vysvětlit to co jsem postnul já potvrdilo už asi 30 lidí na xbox36iso...

a v tvém příspěvku nějak nevidím zmínku o flagu...takže bych řekl že to bude jen nějaký fanda co té problematice momentálně nevěnuje čas...ten co postnul to co jsem kopíroval dělal i pár testů o funkčnosi XGD 3 kopií

No tak či tak se bude dělat nějaký 2.0 fix takže radši počkam až to bude bez problémů.

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