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zaheslovane wiiu


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Method Two: The Hard Reset

If the soft reset doesn't fix the Wii, users can also perform what's known as a "hard reset." A hard reset involves disconnecting the Wii's power supply and must be done manually--there are no pre-programmed buttons on the Wii that will perform the hard reset.

To begin the hard reset, find the "Reset" button on the front of the console. Press it for two seconds, then release (this performs a soft reset on the device). Next, press and hold the "Power" button. Continue holding this button until the light in the button switches from green to red--this means that the Wii console has shut down. Now, unplug the AC power adapter cord from the wall outlet or surge protector as well as from the console itself. Allow the Wii to remain like this for five minutes.

Once five minutes have passed, plug the AC power adapter cord back into the console, then connect the other end of the cord to an AC outlet. Press the "Power" button to turn the Wii on. The system should now be running smoothly.

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