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Tak a je to tady. Vysla prvni hra ktera vyuziva XGD3 format.

- C O M P L E X

P R E S E N T S :

Driver San Francisco © Ubisoft

Region : Region Free Languages: En,De,Fr,Es,It

Size : 6.5gb Genre : Racing

Platform : XBOX 360 JTAG ONLY Date : August 2011

Release Info:

Developed by Ubisoft Reflections under the direction of the creators of the

original title, DRIVER San Francisco marks the return of the established

video game series that has sold 14 million copies worldwide. Gamers will

play as Detective John Tanner on a relentless manhunt for crime lord

Charles Jericho through the hills of the City by the Bay. Thanks to a

groundbreaking gameplay feature, players can now seamlessly shift between

well over a hundred licensed vehicles, keeping them constantly in the heart

of the action. With its timeless setting, unique car handling and renewed

playability, DRIVER San Francisco will revitalize the classic free-roaming,

cinematic car chase experience for the current generation of gaming



This is the first game using the new XGD3 format wich currently is not

readable with any of the common rip drives until new rip fw/tools arrive

So here is a GOD container for everyone with a JTAG console - enjoy

Copy the files to your hdd under /content/000000000.../ and simply start

it from your dashboard

#fw dumbass of the week: apathy

Enjoy This Fine COMPLEX Release


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