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9 odpovědí na tuto otázku

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Ahoj lidi,

mam takovou technickou otázku pokud bude blbá tak my nenadávejte :D hele kdyz se snazim vypalit v ImgBurnu hru napise mi to disk not empty ale na tom disku nic neni, nekolikrat sem ho formatoval zkousel vse co me napadlo a porad nic prosim o radu .

Zkus jiný, popř. máš vybranou správnou mechaniku? Aby v některé nebylo třeba plné cd atp.

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tohle ?


Current Profile: DVD+R DL

Disc Information:

Status: Incomplete

State of Last Session: Incomplete

Erasable: No

Sessions: 2

Sectors: 64

Size: 131 072 bytes

Time: 00:02:64 (MM:SS:FF)

Free Sectors: 4 171 424

Free Space: 8 543 076 352 bytes

Free Time: 927:00:74 (MM:SS:FF)

Next Writable Address: 2400

Supported Write Speeds: 4x; 6x; 8x; 10x

DVD±R DL Boundary Information:

L0 Data Zone Capacity: 2 086 912

Changeable: No

TOC Information:

Session 1... (LBA: 0)

-> Track 01 (Mode 1, LBA: 0 - 63)

-> LeadOut (LBA: 64)

Disc Control Blocks Information:

TSSTcorp SW-S223M

Physical Format Information (ADIP - L0):

Disc ID: MKM-003-00

Book Type: DVD+R DL

Part Version: 1

Disc Size: 120mm

Maximum Read Rate: Not Specified

Number of Layers: 2

Track Path: Opposite Track Path (OTP)

Linear Density: 0.293 um/bit

Track Density: 0.74 um/track

First Physical Sector of Data Area: 196 608

Last Physical Sector of Data Area: 16 580 607

Last Physical Sector in Layer 0: 2 283 519

Physical Format Information (ADIP - L1):

Disc ID: MKM-003-00

Book Type: DVD+R DL

Part Version: 1

Disc Size: 120mm

Maximum Read Rate: Not Specified

Number of Layers: 2

Track Path: Opposite Track Path (OTP)

Linear Density: 0.293 um/bit

Track Density: 0.74 um/track

First Physical Sector of Data Area: 196 608

Last Physical Sector of Data Area: 16 580 607

Last Physical Sector in Layer 0: 2 283 519

Physical Format Information (Last Recorded - L0):

Disc ID: MKM-003-00

Book Type: DVD+R DL

Part Version: 1

Disc Size: 120mm

Maximum Read Rate: Not Specified

Number of Layers: 2

Track Path: Opposite Track Path (OTP)

Linear Density: 0.293 um/bit

Track Density: 0.74 um/track

First Physical Sector of Data Area: 196 608

Last Physical Sector of Data Area: 16 580 607

Last Physical Sector in Layer 0: 2 283 519

Physical Format Information (Last Recorded - L1):

Disc ID: MKM-003-00

Book Type: DVD+R DL

Part Version: 1

Disc Size: 120mm

Maximum Read Rate: Not Specified

Number of Layers: 2

Track Path: Opposite Track Path (OTP)

Linear Density: 0.293 um/bit

Track Density: 0.74 um/track

First Physical Sector of Data Area: 196 608

Last Physical Sector of Data Area: 16 580 607

Last Physical Sector in Layer 0: 2 283 519

Layer Information:

Layer 0 Sectors: 2 086 912 (3,261E06%)

Layer 1 Sectors: 4 292 880 448 (-3,261E06%)

Performance (Write Speed):

Descriptor 1...

-> B0: 0x00; B1: 0x00; B2: 0x00; B3: 0x00

-> EL: 4173823 (0x003FAFFF)

-> RS: 16 620 KB/s (12x) - WS: 5 540 KB/s (4x)

Descriptor 2...

-> B0: 0x00; B1: 0x00; B2: 0x00; B3: 0x00

-> EL: 4173823 (0x003FAFFF)

-> RS: 16 620 KB/s (12x) - WS: 8 310 KB/s (6x)

Descriptor 3...

-> B0: 0x00; B1: 0x00; B2: 0x00; B3: 0x00

-> EL: 4173823 (0x003FAFFF)

-> RS: 16 620 KB/s (12x) - WS: 11 080 KB/s (8x)

Descriptor 4...

-> B0: 0x00; B1: 0x00; B2: 0x00; B3: 0x00

-> EL: 4173823 (0x003FAFFF)

-> RS: 16 620 KB/s (12x) - WS: 13 850 KB/s (10x)

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Zkus jiné médium,které je zaručené prázdné - musí to vypadat takto (tobě to hlásí neuzavřenou nekompletní session)


Current Profile: DVD+R DL

Disc Information:

Status: Empty

State of Last Session: Empty

Erasable: No

Free Sectors: 4 173 824

Free Space: 8 547 991 552 bytes

Free Time: 927:32:74 (MM:SS:FF)

Next Writable Address: 0

Supported Write Speeds: 4x; 6x; 8x

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