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nějaký info z pspupsates/dl.qj

Looks like there's a new PSP custom firmware in town! Dropping by the QJ.NET forums is Coolj, announcing the latest release of his good friend _HellDashX_: Custom Firmware 3.72 HX-1. This is built off of Dark AleX's 3.71 M33-2 custom firmware (we'll explain this in a bit), and for now, here are some notes from _HellDashX_ himself:

* The Recovery is the old one, soon update will come with new one, my own.

* Not much changed from 3.71 to 3.72 so I just had to adapt the code to the new firmware.

* The updater is the same as Dax's (all reversed by me,too).

* No 1.5 kernel included.

Now you'd probably remember _HellDashX_ for the Anti Update for the PSP Slim plugin that he created last month (it's a prx plugin that allows you to "hide" the UMD Update icon - keen huh?). At that point in time, _HellDashX_ had reverse engineered the code from the original programmers of the Anti Update, Team tOc.

This time around, with Custom Firmware 3.72 HX-1, _HellDashX_ had reverse engineered Dark AleX's CFW code (as you might have already guessed). Coolj notes that he was not the creator of this CFW - it's _HellDashX_. Coolj just helped out with some stuff and beta tested the brew.

Please check the readme for more details. You might accidentally brick your system. Other relevant notes are found in the QJ.NET forum release thread started by Coolj. Heck, you might even want to ask questions to Coolj and give them your thanks! DAX might be retired, but at least CFWs are still alive!

  • stejné recovery menu...v updatu bude vylepšení
  • skoro žádné změny oproti 3.71
  • updater je stejný jako u FW od DaX


PSP Slim/Fat s CF 3.71 M33

baterii nabitou minimálně na 78 %



1 ) Spusťte archiv a rozbalte na kořen vaší karty PSP (X:\ .... x-označení jednotky v PC)

2 ) Spusťte updater. Potvrďte X. (musíte mít v recovery nastaven kernel na 3.xx - platí pro PSP Fat)

3 ) Počkejte až se dokončí instalace. Stiskněte X pro ukončení (pokud nestkisknete a vypnete PSP tak nastane BRICK) . PSP se resetuje. Zapěte ho

4 ) Máte 3.72 HX-1

Update 3.71 HX-2

Jde nainstalovat pouze na PSP s 3.72 HX-1



# Contains the latest 3.71 M33-3 changes.

# The file vshctrl.prx IS NOT the one from Dark_AleX,It's coded by me after reversing it 100%.

# The exported functions from the vshctrl.prx are the same like the 3.71 M33-3 SDK,plus two more:

# int vctrlVSHEraseIsoCache(con st char* path) -> Lets you erase the cache from an iso created by the CF.

# If the parameter is empty "",it will erase the whole cache,not just from one iso.

# The iso cache will not be created in the memorystick. It will be in the flash1.I made this function to test stuff faster.Gives a 0 if it deletes correctly else it will give -1.

# int vctrlVSHMakeCFDirs() -> Lets you create the custom firmware directories,in case you dont have them(GAME150,GAME372...) in the memstick.Good if you have a pandora memstick and cant format the ms but dont want to create all directories by hand.

# Only one vshctrl.prx for both psp models.In 3.71 M33-3 and others there was a vshctrl for the fat and an other one for the slim because they have slight changes.This new vshctrl will detect if you got SLIM or FAT.

# Other non important changes in the code

Jak si zprovoznit 1.50 Kernel na 3.72 HX

Pouze pro PSP Fat.

potřebujete: PSP Fat s FW 3.71 M33 s 1.50 kernelem


  • Spusťte archiv a rozbalte na kořen karty (x:\)
  • Spusťte aplikaci a stiskněte [ ]. Začne dump který se uloží do x:/psp/game/update/km. Nakopírujte si km adresář na HDD.
  • Nainstalujte si 3.72 HX. Smažte Update z karty a znovu nakopírujte aplikaci pro 1.50 kernel na kartu.
  • Připojte se přes USB na flash0 (v PSP Menu Home/USB device/flash1 a nakopírujte sem adresář km. Spusťte znovu aplikaci a stiskněte X.

Hm takže mám problem ja mam 3.52 m33 - 4 kdyz spustim 3.71 m33 updater tak mi to rekne ze nemam 3.52m33-4 i kdyz to mam v system information napsany nevite co s tim delat ?pls potrebuji poradit nechci mit porad 3.52m33-4 ...dekuji za jakekoliv odpovedi ,zatim me jeste nikdo nedokazal pomoct

downi na 3.40OE-A (nebo na 1.50) a znova upni na 3.52 M33, pak pridavej postupne update, az na update 4.. a pak to zkus znova..


3.72 HX-2


- Contains the latest 3.71 M33-3 changes.

- The file vshctrl.prx IS NOT the one from Dark_AleX,It's coded by me after reversing it 100%.

The exported functions from the vshctrl.prx are the same like the 3.71 M33-3 SDK,plus two more:

1. int vctrlVSHEraseIsoCache(con st char* path) -> Lets you erase the cache from an iso created by the CF.

If the parameter is empty "",it will erase the whole cache,not just from one iso.

The iso cache will not be created in the memorystick.It will be in the flash1.I made this function to test stuff faster.Gives a 0 if it deletes correctly else it will give -1.

2. int vctrlVSHMakeCFDirs() -> Lets you create the custom firmware directories,in case you dont have them(GAME150,GAME372...)i n the memstick.Good if you have a pandora memstick and cant format the ms but dont want to create all directories by hand.

- Only one vshctrl.prx for both psp models.In 3.71 M33-3 and others there was a vshctrl for the fat and an other one for the slim because they have slight changes.This new vshctrl will detect if you got SLIM or FAT.

- Other non important changes in the code.



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